Paging Mr. Stark Jr

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Friday came amazingly quickly, Peter stayed true to his word and didn't even bother attempting to find out where the field trip was, mainly because he would've been tempted to go. Peter walked into the main entrance of Stark Tower and greeted everyone as he passed, they all greeted himself well.

Peter made his way up in the elevators to the lab. As soon as.the doors dinged open the girls began fan girling over him. Peter was tired.of it and he held up his hand as they ran and roared at the top of his lungs, "STOP WHERE YOU ALL ARE!"

The girls stopped shocked that Peter would raise his voice, "All of you I am seriously not in the mood for this, leave me alone please! I will be in my office do not bother me unless it is important!"

With those words Peter marched off to his office an shut himself inside and continued working on his many prototypes, including a newer version of the Iron Spider armor that his dad had originally created for him.

That's how Peter spent the first few hours of his day. Eventually there was a gentle knock on his door and an intern named Sally poked her head in looking a little love struck.

"Um Peter I'm leading a tour group and we still haven't set up the activities in the lab, do you mind if they come in here and meet you, you know being our resident genius and all," she said breathlessly.

Peter simply nodded and fixed his hair waiting for the group to enter. He was very surprised to see Mr. Johnson and the decathlon team walk in along with his class mates. They all froze when they saw Peter. Sally walked in and spoke to the group, "Ladies and Gentlemen I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Peter Stark!"

Peter swore under his breath. Or course this was his luck. Damn. Mr Johnson looked livid.

"Hey everyone welcome to Stark Industries, you already know me, but I guess you don't know what I actually do here," Peter said a little nervously.

They all looked curious, but Peter continued, "I am currently leading the designs for the new Stark Book Pro and the new range of Stark Phones along with a few other projects including some stuff for Spider-Man and Iron-Man as well."

"THIS LIE HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH PETER, GO HOME NOW," yelled Mr Johnson angrily. The class looked from Peter to their Teacher unsure of what to do.

"Actually I work here and I can't go home yet, but one more outburst from you and I'll make sure this tour is ended and you are put on our no access list...we clear?"

Mr Johnson simply yelled back, "I AM YOUR TEACHER PARKER!"

Peter just yelled, "IT'S STARK NOW NOT PARKER!"

"ENOUGH OF THE LIES PETER," he yelled in return.

Peter looked to the ceiling, "FRIDAY call down my dad, tell him I have a situation!"

The AI chimed back, "Mr Stark has left the premises however Vision has volunteered to assist you and is on his way."

Everyone was in awe that Peter soke to an AI, they were all talking in excitement as Peter and Mr Johnson glared at each other. Ned, Betty and Michelle stepped forwards and made attempts at conversation with Peter but be ignored them and stared into Mr Johnson's eyes not breaking contact.

The door to his office opened and his favourite purple skinned robot buddy walked in, "You summoned me Mr. Stark?" he asked as he walked in.

"Yes Vision can you show the tour group out please," he said with a growl, "But let Ned, Betty and Michelle stay."

Vision nodded, "Please vacate the premises. Tour is now over."

"WHAT NO THE SCHOOL PAID FOR THIS!" Mr Johnson shouted out.

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