Kenny reaches out then drops his hand and looks away "Y/n it's not you it's just-" "Kenny you don't have to explain. Everyone's preference changes all the time." I'm just glad you didn't blow me off like the other girls... we stood in silence for a moment neither of us knowing what to say. "We're still going to be friends right?" I questioned "only if you want to" I nodded my head. "Okay... I'm going to go" I stated walking away "Y/n" I stop in my tracks but stay facing away from Kenny. "I'm sorry" "there's nothing to be sorry for" I left it as that and headed straight for class.

Surprisingly no one was there when I arrived except for the teacher. I sat down at my desk and looked out the window and let out a quiet sigh. Even though Kenny just broke up with me I found myself feeling at peace. If that's what he wants. Was what I kept telling myself but I couldn't stay contempt. I lay my arms on the desk and place my head in it the fabric becoming wet with tears. My heart was aching and I wasn't sure how to make it stop but just let myself cry silently.

After School~

Surprisingly I made it through the school day pretty well. Though I haven't seen Kenny at all and was slightly worried that he skipped out. Then again I probably shouldn't care right now. I pull my backpack from my locker after zipping up my coat. Stan then walks up to me "hey
Y/n" "hey dude. What's up?" "Nothing really just wanted to know if you want to come with us? We're going to see the 'Raisin Girls'" "thanks for asking but I promised myself I'd finish all my homework tonight so I don't have to do anything tomorrow." "Well you do have the whole weekend to do it..." Stan frowned, I shrugged in response "ya but it's better to get it over with. I'll come next time" Stan smiled "sure, well if you change your mind or if you finish early just text us" I give Stan a thumbs up with a smile "sounds good" "alright see ya" Stan nodded walking away.

The hallways were empty by the time I finished putting all my stuff together. Not that I was too bothered by it I wasn't in a rush to get home. I push open the school doors and step outside the cold air and snow slapping at my face. I groan as I step into the white sheet, it's coldness melting its way into my shoe "fucking piece of white shit" I hissed pulling my foot away now shaking it. "It's going to be a long afternoon" I mutter suddenly agitative, picking snow out from my shoe. Once I pull all the show out from shoe I continue to walk along the snowy paths. I took deep breaths and watched the cloud of mist when I exhaled. My younger self would've thought I was some freight train right about now. "Funny how our childishness fades away" I frown to myself stuffing my hands deeper into my pockets.

"Only if it could all end somehow."

I stop at the edge of the sidewalk watching cars pass by; waiting for the light to turn red so I can take my lead across the road. I felt somewhat depressed as I waited replaying everything that had happened today. I wanted to beat myself up out of anger for ever like Kenny. Now it will always be awkward when we hang around each other. What if this ruins my relationship with the others too? "Fuck, why didn't I think this through?" I muttered pressing my finger tips in between my eyebrows in frustration. "Fucking kill me" I hissed now smacking my head. Suddenly the light changed to red and I stepped out on to road looking both ways before I crossed. But as I came to the middle of walking through I heard a blare of honking. As I turned my head a car was sliding straight towards me. Instinctively I try to run out of harms way. But it was to late. The car hit me at full fledge speed and I was catapulted forwards into the stopped vehicle. I was still alive and in chronic pain. Though I thought I was just going to bleed out and die the car didn't stop and smashed right into me.

I died instantly. Crushed in between the two cars.

Oh well.

What could I have done? Sometimes it's better to accept things as they come.


Suddenly my eyes snap open. I was standing in a room of all white "where am I?" I muttered to myself. While looking around in confusion a door opens
"Y/n L/n." I turn myself in response and I was astonished to see a man dressed in a white robe, a golden halo floating above his head, white wings tucked behind him. "Who are you?" "Well, I'm an angel of course" he smiled opening and closing his wings slowly. The wind it created blew through his golden blonde hair I stared at him for a moment. "So, I'm dead huh? You know... when I said I wanted to die. I didn't mean it" the angel stood silently and shrugged. "Is this heaven?" I question relaxing my shoulders, the angel sighs. "It's best not to ask questions. I want you to remember as little as possible of this place" "what?"

Suddenly the angel holds out his hand towards me like some cliche movie where the boy asks the girl to go with them and they end up falling in love. "Y/n L/n the heavens need your help in this trying time. Will you take my hand?" I shrug back with disgust "you're not proposing to me are you?" "Of course not you idiot" I gasp clasping my hands over my mouth. "I thought angels weren't allowed to swear" "we aren't, most of us do anyways. Now let's go." Suddenly the angel takes his hand and grips it to my shoulder. The world flashes quickly and the scenery around me changes. We appear to be standing at a broken grate.

The bars were bent and pull apart I look over at the angel for an explanation. "He broke into the 'Gate of Peace'" "who did?" I asked, fear settling in my chest. Suddenly we stop in our tracks and the angel taps my cheek in the direction where I should look. I was shocked to see 'him' here. I stepped forward from the angel taking my hands and pressing them to the left side of my chest to feel heart beat quicken. My mouth dropped and the words begin to fall off my tongue.


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