Chapter 12

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Y/n's P.O.V

"You guys are a little late" Clyde said greeting us "ya we know" I smile, Clyde smirks back "come on in" he says stepping aside. "Drinks are in the fridge, snacks are on the table help yourself" "thanks dude" Kenny says walking past Clyde "I wonder if the boys are here" I said to Kenny as we looked around in the crowd of partying people, Kenny shrugs.

We went to the living room where most of the crowd was hanging out. Where the music was the loudest making you feel as if your ear drum were about to burst.

As I walk by I made a mental note that tonight was going to be dramatic there were people making out everywhere and people tipsy, falling over each other.

"Kyle is over there" Kenny yells at me, I follow where Kenny was pointing and sure enough Kyle was sitting on the couch alone with his arms crossed.

We walked over and take a seat beside him, he didn't bother to look away from what he was glaring at. "Kyle what's up?" "Oh nothing just having a wonderful time" he spat sarcastically.

"Dude have you been pissed off all day?" Kenny asks straightening his shirt "you have no idea." Kyle frowns "where did you go? You had me worried again" Kyle speaks looking at me with concern.

I always forget that Kyle is sensitive so when ever I do something stupid, like disappearing out of the blue he always gets really upset. "I went home, but I have a feeling you're not mad at me?" I stare at Kyle waiting for an answer. His emerald green eyes soften but then angered once more, he averts his gaze.

"Look" Kyle taps my cheek turning it in a certain direction. "Is that fucking Stan?" I nearly scream Kenny clutches his fists. "He's being a complete moron everything that's happening right now is his fault! He's being such an idiot!" Kyle hissed "Y/n he can't make up his mind between three girls now."

That's when it clicked. The reason why everyone is fighting... Stan likes Wendy, the girl he's making out with, and... me. Why couldn't I piece this out before? It seems so obvious now.

I was angry slightly at myself for being oblivious "I'll be back" I said in a cold tone "good job Kyle" Kenny muttered with a sarcastic tone "shut up Kenny you were going to tell her anyways."

"Excuse me" Stan and the red headed girl he was making out with stop and look at me "rude" she said rolling her eyes "I need to borrow this moron" I state grabbing Stan's sleeve and practically dragged him up stairs into a bedroom where it was quiet.

"What the hell are you doing Stan?!" I snapped "oh hey Y/n" he slurred I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he spoke my way. "You have a girlfriend! Wendy? Ya, she still loves you!" I shouted. "Sh" he hushes leaving me to cross my arms. It wasn't like anyone could hear me the music was too loud.

"No she broke up with me" "she said she wanted to take a break that doesn't mean you've broken up until either of you declare it" Stan touches my waist and I smack his hand and pull away "do you realize what your doing?" I question backing away as Stan got closer.

"I thought you liked me" he slurred with a dazed smile "I did! But not anymore. You're drunk and have a girlfriend that should be enough of a reason for the both of us." I felt kinda sad hearing the words that flew out of my mouth but it was time I let this silly crush go.

I must of spaced out because Stan was grinning at me he grabbed my arms forcefully and pinned them above my head. "Stan!" I struggle "let go!" I was twisting and turning but I still couldn't escape from his grasps.

"Ken-" Stan lets go of my one arm and covers my mouth "don't yell so loudly my ears are buzzing." "I don't love you" I muffled Stan cocks his head aside "that's not what I saw when you were talking to me" I squeezed my eyes shut and let myself release my hidden feelings, what's been hiding in my heart for so long.

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