Chapter 11

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You've been warned:

Kenny's P.O.V

I was really excited for the party it felt good to let off all my steam. Who knows maybe this will be night I could win Y/n over, I have a good feeling.

I texted Y/n that I was coming over but as I entered her drive way and checked my phone there was no reply. It's a good thing she gave me her house key a while back so I wasn't too worried. I walked up to the door steps of her house and turn the knob, surprisingly it was unlock.

I figured I was welcomed so I walk through the door "Y/n?!" I called as I walked in shutting the door behind me "I'm in the living room" a faint voice called.

I took off my shoes and walked towards the living room and sure enough there was Y/n sitting in her dress on the couch. Her l/h c/h hair was done up neatly and her lips were shining with a tad of lip gloss, she looked gorgeous.

"You don't have your clothes on" she said in a really flat tone "oh ya was wondering if I could use your shower before we go" I ask point my thumb behind me. "Sure go ahead" "thanks see you in a bit" before I walked out I looked at her. Everything seemed to be normal but when I scanned her face she appeared to looked washed out, empty, exhausted. Perhaps her "nightmare" hit her harder then I thought. Shrugging it off I head upstairs.


I couldn't stop thinking about how stiff Y/n was. After getting in the shower I recall how I left school this morning. Maybe she wasn't tired, was she made at me? I should apologize to her, I did ignore her all day. She's more then likely upset by my sudden out burst.

I put on the clothes I bought from the store, expect the sweater since it was a little too hot then leave the bathroom. Before I head down stairs I quickly leave my clothes folded in Y/n's room. When I walk down stairs I set on what I'm going to say in my mind.

Okay here it goes.

"Y/n" I call as I walked into the living room "ya?" She hasn't moved from her spot.

"I'm sorry for walking out today" she stands up brushing her hands along the silky fabric of the dress "it's okay, we should go." I was slightly stunned at her monotone voice. She was acting like Craig, emotionless, unreadable... Just before she walks past me I grabbed her wrist.

"Y/n if you're ticked off, please tell me-" "Kenny let go, you're hurting me" Y/n pleads snatching her wrist from my grasp. Did I really? Stunned I look down at my hand stained with a crimson liquid.

What the fuck?

I looked at Y/n she was holding her wrist up to her chest with shocked eyes. "Are you okay? I didn't realize I-" I stutter at a loss for words. I swore I didn't grab her that hard.

"Ya I'm fine I'll be back" she hurried off to the kitchen I stood silently for a moment. It couldn't have been her bracelets that cut her right? I looked at my hand the blood collecting to the centre of my palm forming a small puddle "no there's too much." I quietly head into the kitchen, Y/n standing at the kitchen sink with the water running.

Watching on silently she dips her arm in the water. It was a lot harder to see so I approached her quietly, once she senses my presence Y/n turns around with a startle expression.

"Kenny-" "let me see" I say in a deeper tone. She shook her head at me "why not?" "Because! Kenny just give me a minute and we'll go!" I pretty much backed her into the counter tearing a piece of paper towel off a roll near by wiping my hand.

"If it's not that bad why won't you let me see it?" As she looked away I reach out for her arm and gently pull it from behind her back. I was horrified to see several slices on her arm, one gash after another; I was too stunned to say anything. Did she do this?

With curiosity taking over I reach for her other arm. Y/n pulls away refusing to let me look but it didn't really matter because I got a hold of her. I gently pushed up her bracelets to see the exact same thing "why?" I asked in confusion, it was clear to me she had done this. But 'why?' was the question that echoed through my mind.

Y/n didn't answer, she looked away from me with shame. Her eyes became glassy in the moonlight and I pulled her in for a hug "I'm sorry that was a stupid question" she didn't hug me back but I didn't really blame her. "Kenny?" I hugged her tightly, I wanted her to feel I was there.

What the hell pushed her this far? Suddenly I was very angry I wanted to beat the shit out of Stan I don't know why but I had a hunch that this was his fault. "Hm?"  "Are we only friends so you can have sex with me?" I loosen my grip on her and pull away "no why?" I said sternly "I was just wondering" Y/n sniffles wiping underneath her one eye.

"Who told you that?" I asked balling my one fist "Wendy" I knew Stan had something to do with this! That bastard! "Y/n I promise you that's not what I'm doing. I care about you deeply do you really believe that I would go this far to do that?" She didn't answer me.

It was almost like she couldn't hear me I was 'yelling' out to her but her mind was elsewhere, her thoughts too loud for my voice to reach, then she spoke.

"You haven't been telling me what's going on...I just figured" I was desperate to kiss Y/n so she'd understand that I love her so much. I wanted to tell her 'what Wendy said was not true.' I'm not wanting sex from her I want to be someone she loves and holds forever.

"Okay" I begin unbuttoning my white collared shirt "I didn't want you to know because you would have been worried out of your mind but," "why are you taking your shirt off?" she panics shielding her eyes from me, but once she catches sight of the marks on my skin she lowers her hands.

I slowly pulled off my shirt aware that Y/n could see my scars and bruises despite it being dark. She opened her mouth but instantly closed it.

"Some are from my parents... others from my own stupidity but-" "you idiot" I closed my mouth.

"If you would have told me I wouldn't have said all those stupid things... I'm sorry" she looked sad again "well, I could have tried being a better best friend" I remarked. Y/n sighs at my comment then replies with a faint whisper "you already are the best... Kenny I haven't done it for years, ever since I moved here. Then, well I just... lost it I guess."

It was quiet again "I wish I could-" "it's okay" I said hushing her "it's better this way." Y/n reaches out and touches one of my scars on my chest my heart bursts in it's cavity. Pounding at the speed of a cheetah chasing a gazelle, I was nervous.

I've never felt this way with others and it made me happy knowing that Y/n was the first that made me feel true love. Then I realized how stupid and guilty I felt, messing around with the girls was terrible. I'm terrible. "I'm sorry" Y/n pulls away but I stop her instead I press her hand to the left side of my chest so she could feel my heart beat.

"I didn't think I could feel nervous like this" I mutter letting my blonde hair fall over my eyes.  Y/n smiled slightly at my comment "promise me you'll tell me if you get hurt again?" She asks "only if you do the same I don't want something like this to happen again" Y/n hugs me without hesitation "it won't happen again, ever" "okay."

I wish I could feel all of Y/n and claim her to be mine but I didn't care anymore even if I couldn't be her lover. I'll just love being what I am to her.

"We should go" Y/n says pulling away from me "and put your shirt on" "what about your wrists?" "It's called foundation honey I'll be back" I grinned as she ran off up stairs. I quickly put my clothes back on and waited for Y/n to return.

Author's Note
Sorry for the short chapters. I wasn't planning on posting for a couple weeks because I have exams coming up soon so all my teachers are rushing around throwing tests at me like crazy. I'll try to make longer chapters next time.

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