Chapter 1

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Skip if you know this:
E/c- Eye colour
H/c- Hair colour
H/l-  Hair length
O/h- Original Highschool

"We have a new student in our class make sure you treat her right! Make her feel welcome to our school. Why don't you introduce yourself?" "Hi, I'm Y/n L/n" I say with a smile. Gotta love standing at the front of your new class room beside your crazy teacher, holding that awkward cringy smile waving to your new classmates that have the looks of I-don't-give-a-shit.

I try my hardest to hold the smile but the corner of my lips twitch and I slowly let my hair fall over the right side of my face. My new teacher Mr Garrison places a hand on my shoulder "you can take your seat next to Kenny at the back Y/n."

I nod a thanks making my way back to the only empty desk. Stares follow as I sit down beside a boy wearing an orange parka. He looks at me blankly and I could tell he knew I felt intimidated by everyone's glare.

With a few muffled words I look over at the boy who spoke. "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you" I say with a sad smile. The boy moves down his coat showing me his lips "I'm Kenny" "oh! Nice to meet you" I say with an awkward laugh. Kenny grins "you're a cutie" he mutters with a wink "pardon me?" I raise my eyebrow "someone's watching" he shoulder gestures me to my left.

I turn my head to the desk beside me a boy with a blue and red hat was staring towards me. He gives me a small smile before turning back to the front of the room, he was pretty cute. Kenny elbows me gently and I turn looking over at him "don't go liking someone on your first day" he whispers for me to hear "who said I was crushing?" I say with sass urging a chuckle from his lips.

"You have bite, I like it. Why don't we met up at lunch so you're not girl" he bumps me teasingly "sure Kenny" "cool, what's your last period before lunch?"

Time Skip~

Kenny and I met up at my locker for lunch. We compared our schedules and found out we had English, and Science together. It was really reassuring to know I'd have someone to talk to in at least two of my classes.

"How are you liking South Park High?" Kenny asks as we walk down the hallway crowded with rushing students. "It's alright, a lot more colourful if you ask me" "colourful?" Kenny laughs "I haven't met so many swearing students, o/h was so much different."

Kenny walks slightly closer to me "South Park isn't just about cussing, trust me. It's a lot more dramatic" I give Kenny a surprised look "I want to ask but I'm slightly scared to" Kenny wraps an arm around my shoulders "let's just say rumours spread like the plague. I suggest sticking by me I'll make your life fun" he winks.

I could tell Kenny was trying to get into my pants but he has been kind enough to show me around and let me sit with him at lunch so I decide to let it off the hook for now.

"Geez Kenny" I say pushing him playfully "let me test my waters first" we laugh. I slowly fall behind when we approach a table with three other boy, I wasn't going to lie I was slightly nervous when I saw the blue hat boy from my first period class. He looked up from his phone and we locked eyes, I stared into his amber eyes before looking away heart pounding with nervousness.

Why is he looking at me like that? Was there something stuck on my face?

Unsure of how to start the conversation Kenny clears his voice capturing the boys attention. "I brought someone to the table, Kyle, Stan, Cartman, meet Y/n" Kenny smiles at the other three boys. The chubby one with the red coat known as Cartman sneers.

"Another one of your bitches Kenny?" "Excuse me?" I glare with a sour tone "shut up Cartman it's the new girl" Kyle hisses straightening his green hat. "Sure I just see another one of Kenny's hoes" his words did really hurt but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. I was more concerned why bitch was pluralized, Kenny was silently looking away he seemed upset. I pressed my lips into a fine line "you should really respect your friends" I say snapping my fingers bringing the fat boy's attention back to me.

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