Chapter 14

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Kenny's P.O.V

I walk down the hallway, every step I took echoed throughout the hall. I turned the corner to find Y/n standing at her locker; she was staring blankly inside. Then she grabbed her binder and slammed it close with a frown upon her face.
"Y/n" I call approaching her, Y/n turns startled then let's out a loud exhale, loud enough to tell me she was annoyed.

"Hey I know you're mad at me" she places a hand on her hip and cocks her head to the right giving me a no-really-? look. "I thought I told you to lay low about Stan?" "I know but I can't get over what he could've done to the most important person in my life Y/n" her expression softens. "Kenny" I reach out and cup her cheek in my hands she leans into it affectionately "I'm sorry" I mutter "but this is something that's going to disappear with time."



You have all the time. You can beat time. You're dead but alive at the same time. What happens when Y/n dies? You can't bring her back. She's going to be a soul at peace when she goes to heaven, you won't be able to see her. Ever.

"Kenny?" I finch back my eyes widen. I draw in a heavy breath. "What's wrong?" I look at Y/n her face filled with concern. Suddenly her character glitches like some video game and I saw her dripping with blood, then it flashes back. I back away she frowns but reaches for my wrist pulling me close to hug me. My mind settles. She's breathing. Kenny, she's breathing. I pull her closer to me so I could feel her heartbeat pounding in her chest.

This is the reason why you isolated yourself, isn't it?

Y/n moves away and brings my face closer to her's.

So you wouldn't have to experience pain?

I was frozen as Y/n presses her lips to my own but slowly I return it back.

Your love for her. Will destroy you.

Y/n pulls away from me "seriously Kenny are you okay?" I give her a cheery grin "ya of course everything is all good. Remember, just a little sleep" I say laughing, Y/n frowns unconvinced "if you say so..."

How much do you love her?

"Y/n I love you so much I can't even express it."

Does she really mean that much?

"You mean so much to me please never disappear."


She's going to disappear one day.

I hug Y/n tightly like it was my last good byes but I was going to make sure it wasn't. I want this moment to last for a long time even if I have to die trying. "Kenny it's okay, I love you too" my inner demons were trying to break me as I let tears escape my eyes, but they were hidden in
Y/n's shirt.

"Don't leave" I muttered.

"I won't leave... where could I possibly go?"

I know if I told her heaven she would give me a lecture about these types of things but for some reason I couldn't stop worrying. If Y/n dies that's it, game over; I won't be able to see her again and who knows how long this cruel earth wants me to stay. Maybe forever.


7pm Hellspass Hospital~

The rest of the day was long and cold. I haven't felt so empty for a long time and this time I wasn't sure how to deal with it. I refused to go see Karen but Y/n pushed me along. Y/n was holding my hand practically pulling me down the hallway as I sluggishly followed behind her. I had to say she really was beautiful all around, her l/h c/h hair bouncing up and down as she walked, her body shape and...
I grinned when I got to her arse "beautiful" I muttered to myself "hm?" "Nothing" I say quickly hiding my smirk. I would give her a light smack but she'd turn around and sock me in the face just like in first year. Good times of teasing her but now we're together, it's a dream come true.

"This is the room number?" Y/n stops in front of the door "yes, but don't you think we should let her rest?" "Stop it" she hissed reaching for the door handle letting go of my hand. The door clicked, opening silently unlike the ragged doors at my own home. The room was littered with flowers and balloons that had 'get well soon' or 'wishing you well.' I nearly got sick reading it but Y/n pulled me into the room further closing the door behind me, the only place for my escape.

Y/n moves closer to the bed observing Karen with a gentle smile on her face. I on the other hand huddled near the corner unsure what to do with myself. Please Karen forgive me.

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