Chapter 9 - Valentine's Day

Start from the beginning

"Where is Phil taking you?" Dad asks.

"I don't know. He said it was a surprise," I reply as the doorbell rings. I open it, as I'm standing closest to it, and find Phil standing there with a bouquet of white tulips. I swallow past the lump in my throat. I know what this particular flower means, and I wonder if he does too. I shake it off, telling myself Phil isn't the type to know these kinds of things.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" he says sweetly, and offers me the flowers.

"Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you," I tell him as I take the bouquet, and give him a chaste kiss on the lips. He smiles brightly when I pull back. He then politely greets my dad, and asks if Mom is home. I only now see that he has a second bouquet in his hand, one with lilies, my mom's favorite.

Mom is at work, and will be back later tonight, so Dad takes the flowers from Phil and promises he will safely deliver the sweet gesture. Phil didn't have to, but that's just the kind of person he is. He is polite, and good-hearted, always nice to people around him. I hate that others make fun of him for being not as smart or not as athletic or not have the finest clothes. Sometimes I think people at our school are just shallow shells with no essence in them. I know that's not true, but it still bothers me that they treat him like he is less worth then them.

"I'll be back by ten," I tell Dad.

"It's Valentine's Day," Dad argues, and smiles. "You can stay out till eleven." I just nod, but I have no intention of staying out that long. Tomorrow is a school day, and I'm more concerned about Phil, then me. We have a math test, and I want him to be rested.

We both say goodbye to my dad, and Phil rushes to open the door for me to sit down in his car. It's not much, an old 1985 Toyota Cressida. He got it from the junk yard when he was fourteen. A friend of his mom's helped him bring it home, where he worked on it every day, saving up to buy parts. The car only starts because of how good he is as a mechanic. I was really proud of him when he told me the story.

As we drive off, I remain silent, reminiscing about last Valentine's Day. That day, Tobias told me he loved me. It was the first time. I was so overwhelmed by emotion I didn't even know what to say. I just started crying like a crazy person.

I am startled out of my daydream, when Phil shakes my arm lightly, and I turn to look at him.

"You okay?" he asks concerned.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about school," I lie. I feel my cheeks burn a little, and hope that the rather dim light in the car hides my blush. I never lied to Phil about my past. He knew I had dated Peter once, and then became Tobias's girlfriend. He also told me about his past girlfriends, so that we knew what we got ourselves into. But I don't think he would appreciate it if I would tell him I am still thinking of my ex.

"Are you concerned about the test?" he asks.

"No. Just all kinds of stuff I have to do, like reports, and then all the upcoming lacrosse games," I tell him.

"Well, I hope everything goes well," he says with a kind smile on his face. I can't help but smile too, and lean in to kiss his cheek. He can be really sweet sometimes.

I look back toward the road, and recognize where we're going. An observation plateau where you can see the city, and couples usually go there to make out. I know Phil would give me the finest gifts if he could afford it, but I don't care about material things.

We soon stop and I am greeted by an amazing view. The entire area is turned into a romantic outdoor bistro, with twinkle lights and a large white garden tent. I see one of Phil's friends dressed up in black jeans, and wears a tuxedo tee shirt, trying to pose as a Maître D'. I chuckle to myself. I then see two of the girls from the culinary arts club, fixing the table, as Phil walks to my door and opens it for me. He holds out his hand, and helps me out.

"Do you like it?" he asks me, as he offers his arm to escort me to our table.

"It's beautiful!" I tell him excited. The sun is about to set and everything looks just breathtakingly amazing.

Our fellow students play the parts of our servers, while Kyle, Phil's friend, tries a French accent. We end up laughing hard at his failed attempt to sound like a Frenchman speaking English but forcing a French accent, nevertheless. Our dinner is delicious. The girls tried some new recipes that make you lick your fingers clean. I feel bad that they are here instead of enjoying themselves, but Carol, one of the girls, assures me they all volunteered. I find it heartwarming that despite the fact we aren't friends per se, they are so nice. I make a mental note to thank them properly or see if there is anything I can do for either of them.

Phil looks very excited, but also nervous, and since I'm not really known for subtlety, I ask him outright if something is bothering him.

"No. It's just," he starts saying.

"Just what?" I ask.

"I wasn't sure you would like it. I guess, I hoped you would, you never left me the impression you are more excited about, you know, jewelry," he says, and smiles shyly.

"No, I really don't like jewelry. I have some, but I like it simple. Plus, this is amazing," I say looking around. "You did a great job, very thoughtful and unique. Thank you," I say, and get up. I walk to where he sits, and sit down on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. I lean in and kiss him. It's chaste at first, but then his mouth opens and he pushes his tongue between my already parted lips. For a moment, we forget we aren't alone, until someone clears their throat. We pull apart breathlessly, and chuckle.

"Rain check?" he asks, and I nod grinning.

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