Draco and I dragged our trunks out of our rooms at the exact same time and started hurtling down the stairs at top speed in order to beat each other to the dining hall. Halfway down Draco tripped and started tumbling down the stairs. AT AN EVEN TOPPER SPEED. Yea. Topper. It's a word! It doesn't make sense, but it's still a word!

I grabbed his trunk from him so while he was rolling down the stairs like a boss, the trunk wouldn't keep on rolling over him. Seriously, the thing weighed a ton! As mean as I am, I didn't think ANYONE should have a ten-tonne trunk rolling over them while falling down the stairs head first. Except maybe Voldywarts...

So I grabbed the trunk from him and laughed while he rolled...and rolled...and rolled. I followed him slowly, so he couldn't pull me down with him (HA!) and when he reached the bottom I put our trunks down and stuck out a hand to help him up, still laughing my arse off.

Draco narrowed his eyes at me, then slowly grinned. It was like a creepy grin...and as he reached out for my hand, I stopped laughing long enough to see the malicious grin, and realized at once what he was going to do. HELL NAW! I jerked my hand back at the same time that he lunged for it, since he noticed me noticing his expression, and I noticed him notice that I noticed his expression, and as soon as he had hold of my hand, he pulled down as hard as he could. I tried to stay up, but he was stronger than me and pulled me down on top of him, face first. HEY! I'M STRONGER THAN HIM! I JUST HAVEN'T HAD BREAKFAST! GEEZ! GIVE A GIRL A BREAK!

I looked up at Draco, and he lifted his head off the ground to look at me, and we burst out laughing at each other's stupidity. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mrs. Malfoy exit the dining hall and go into the entrance hall. DECK! THE HALLS! They must have some job at Christmas decorating! But they're magic, soo...and it's still summer! WAIT! IT'S SEPTEMBER! HAYLEY! Awkward moment at hand!

Mrs. Malfoy looked at me and Draco piled up on the floor, and an amused expression crossed her face. I felt myself blush, and saw Draco do the same. I rolled off him, and he got up and, being he was in front of his Mum, stuck out a hand for me. I smiled, innocently enough, but not the kind of smile that was OBVIOUSLY fake, took his hand, and yanked hard. AND HE FELL. LIKE A BAWS.

I tried to roll out of the way before he fell, but I was too slow, and since he was so fat all his weight brought him down quicker than I expected.

"Ugh. Gerroffme, fatty," I mumbled to him. He rolled his eyes and got up, saying, "You can get up yourself."

"Draco! Be a gentleman and help her up, again," Mrs. Malfoy scolded. Hahaha.

He looked at me warily, the told his mum, "I don't trust her..." He trailed off. She just glared at him, but I giggled. "It's okay, he's just afraid of looking weak when he can't pull me up," I grinned, picking myself up off the marble floor. OH! It's marble! Just noticed. Great observation skills, Lee. Such a freakin boss...!

Mrs. Malfoy smiled even wider, and Draco blushed. "No, I just don't trust you." Then he added in an undertone, "And she calls me a fatty."

"HEY!" I yelled.

"Draco, be nice." Mrs. Malfoy tried to sound stern, but she was still trying to hold back her laughter, so it was hard for her.

I stuck my tonge out at him and skipped off to the dining room. Or hall. Whatever. Anyway, I skipped off, again, literally, like a boss, Draco and Mrs. Malfoy following me. Mrs. Malfoy was still grinning, and Draco was mumbling to himself, still red in the face. But they weren't skipping. Lame-o's.

"Ya know, Draco, talking to oneself is the first sign of insanity." I smirked, looking back at him. He flushed even depper as he realized I had noticed his pointless mumbling, and Mrs. Malfoy couldn't help the little chuckle that escaped her. IT'S FREEEEEE! YES!!!!! Hehe. I'm more sane than Draco, don't worry. Wait. Who am I reassuring? It's a false reassurment, anywho. Don't think that's even a word... I'M AS SANE AS A LLAMA. If they even have sanity to begin with. Meh. Who cares. Sanity is SOO last year. Dammit, now I feel like one of those posh bitches in those movies I used to watch at the orphanage...seems so long ago...

After I wonderful breakfast in which I was able to gain my strength back, during which I screamed, "I AM MACHO MAN" when I finished, thus causing Mrs. Malfoy and Draco to look up, alarmed, then stare at me strangely. Teehee. I creepy. That rhymed. Draco then sang out, "You'll never be stronger than me," whereas I started singing, "WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGEEEERRRR" (Totally didn't see that coming!) and then they shook their heads, all the while grinning, and left me to my strange form of sanity. Or insanity. But Imma be different and say sanity.

After breakfoist we Flooed to King's Cross station, where we met up with Señor Malfoy. Insert little dash thingy above the n for Spanish effect.

After bidding a long adieu to Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy we clambered onto the train with our ten-tonne trunks and started looking for a compartment.

Draco then opened one that already had three people in it, but he still decided to go in. Dick. WAIT! Is that...?

"OMGIZZLE PANSY PARKINSON! EEEKK!" I squeal/screamed, then dropped my trunk as we ran to hug each other. I saw Pansy like a week ago when her parents came over to Malfoy Manor. Draco was...somewhere, probably with his dad, so when he got back the Parkinsons were long gone.


"I WOULD MISS ME TOO!" We laughed at my idioticness. Not a word, but I'm rocking it. Like a boss. "BUT I STILL MISSED YOU!" A couple people walking by looked at us strangely. Meh. I was about to tell them off, but apparently it was obvious because they ran down the hall faster than Draco fell down the stairs. In other words, pretty damn fast.

I heard someone sniggering, and looked up to see

"BLAISE! HI!" Blaise Zabini was sitting there, smirking into his hand. Then, I drew myself up to my full height, which, quite frankly wasn't that much, stuck out my hand, put on a serious face (which was extremely hard to do) and said in a very manly but sophisticated voice, "Good day, young chap! Wonderful to meet you again!" We all started laughing, but then Blaise shook my hand and said in the same exact voice, "Absolutely spiffing, mate!" and we all collapsed on the floor laughing extremely loudly. I then noticed the third person.

"TEDDY! HEY!" Theodore Nott, or Teddy, as he asked me to call him, was laughing on the floor alongside us. He grinned.

"Hey, Lee!" he said. Wait a sec...

"THAT SOUNDS LIKE HAY-LEY! OMFG!" Pansy and I screamed at the exact same time. We looked at each other for a second, and immediately started laughing again. We were such BOSSES!

Draco bent back up, wiped a tear from his eye, and said "Well, I'm glad I don't have to introduce you, but how....?"

"Oh, yea. Whenever you went to work or wherever with your dad, their families just so happened to pop by. They didn't know you were gone, of course, but anyway, I got to meet them and stuff," I explained happily, then grinned.

"AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!?" Draco yelled at me.

I smirked. "Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'. They all laughed at me and Draco. Draco just rolled his eyes.


and the action begins! I might not be able to upload more recently coz I have to go get a copy of the Sorcerer's stone from somewhere so I get all the dialogue and stuff right. of course, I might have to change some things, but dat's dat. anyway, hope you liked it! i think i read to much stories on wattpad...it's made me go crazy..





one can never comment to much...trust me...I comment waayy alots i feel like a stalker...lln


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