12. Fugue with two

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November 2nd.

It was Halloween three days ago and I have just been summoned by the Hogwarts Warden, Ms. McGonagall.

Albus and Skorpius ran away on Halloween night, enjoying the festivities.

Returning to these places I had two or three times a feeling of déjà-vu, fleeting. But no big revelation.

I enter the office and I see a blond man from behind. My heart is accelerating. A very distinguished lady advances towards me, looking at me warmly:

- Harry! what a joy to see you here ... it's been so long ...

- Um yes.

She looks sorry:

- I heard about your accident ... it's terrible.

- Thank you. It is better now...

- Sit down ...

I sit in the chair next to Draco after quickly greeting him.

She smiles :

- It makes it strange to see you there, both of you.

- What happened ? Draco asks, cutting courses to the courtesies.

He looks particularly tense.

- Hmm ... well on Halloween night the kids had the right to dress up and go to Hogsmeade, and when they got home at 8pm, we found out there were two .

- You searched for them?

- Of course ! What do you believe, Mr. Malfoy? Of course ... they must not be far away ...

- I admire your optimism. And what are you going to do now?

- Well ... I have warned the Ministry and are actively looking for them.

He looks particularly unhappy and I can see he's shaking his hands around the armrests.

I ask :

- Why did they do that, in your opinion?

She's about to answer when Malfoy cuts her off:

- By the fault of your wife, of course! If she had not found a way to force them apart by pretending that my family is dangerous, we would not be here!

I close my eyes. I agree with him. Mrs. Mc Gonagall is embarrassed.

- Did you separate them?

- Yes, at the express request of your wife ...

- And how did they react?

- Well, it was terrible ... I think Skorpius did not understand. And since he did not really have any other friend ... it was very hard for him.

Draco puts even more pressure on his hands around the chair.

- And Albus?

- Albus has his brothers and sisters, but he took it as a punishment I think. And his results have dropped.

- And you're sure they're not hidden inside Hogwarts?

"Sure, no, Mr. Malfoy. But where ?

- The room on request?

- In fact, his access was banned a long time ago ... nobody uses it anymore.

- Are you sure?

- No ... but I admit that myself I can not find it ...

"I will know," he said, getting up abruptly. Let's go.

We leave quickly and I am in the corridors, full of college students amazed by this strange crew. Some do not look at us, but others whisper about us. I see that some recognize me, even if I take care to hide my scar.

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