17. Epilogue

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I have been editing copies for three hours in this office and I feel an old headache darting. Misery, was the level already so low in my day?

I'm looking at the wall of my favorite teacher, Snape, and I can not help but smile. The old grigou was demanding, but at least he taught us something. To me, anyway.

It makes it strange to sit at his desk, use the vials he used, read his books ... as if I were an impostor, in this place.

The Half-Blood Prince has left great things behind him ... and not only in magic.

He saved your life, him.

His sacrifice for you, out of love for a dead person ... a few months ago, I did not understand him.

To die of love was inconceivable for me.

Now I know. I understand.

I learned that, too, from you.

But I must not think about it because it is too painful.

It's hot for September.

I hear the cries of schoolboys outside, running and having fun. One might think that it's still summer, but I know that today, September 22, it's my birthday and it's autumn.

I think that Skorpius and Albus have prepared for me a surprise because I have heard them several times plotting behind my back with a smile.

I also caught them kissing last night in a hallway, but I did not say anything. I left silently. Say what ? I am rather badly placed.

I put my nose back in my copies. Once again Skorpius has the best rating. Of course, he has a level much higher than the others, with all he had already learned before coming here ...

Albus has worked well too, and I'm adding a point for him to have the same note as Skorpius.

I know he was upset by his father's disappearance, even though he tried to hide it.

I think it was at that time that he got even closer to my son, I often saw him on Skorpius' shoulder.

They are so charming both, the brown head leaning against the blonde head ...

The hours they spend in the library to stay the best ... sometimes I admire them.

And I bless heaven that Ginny did not separate them this time. The others jealous and mock them, but they do not care, they are together ...

Well, I have to finish these copies, it starts to be late ...


It's almost dark, and I'm a little cold. There is no noise outside.

Suddenly I feel a thrill, a presence ...

I turn around, and you are there.

In front of me. My heart leaps:

- Harry? Where do you come from?

- From Africa. I left for a month, alone, to take stock.

- Without giving any news? But you're sick! If you knew what we were afraid of ... well, your family, I mean ... disappearing suddenly, like that ...

I have tears in my eyes, despite myself. I think I'm starting to shake.

You look down, a little ashamed:

- In fact, I sent owls to the children, but I asked them not to say anything ...

- But why did you do that?

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