meeting them

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Her POV:

I quickly rush down the aisle trying to find the cereal. I feel a harsh impact on my shoulder as suddenly my world starts to spin. My eyes can barely maintain themselves open as I fall to the ground. My head falls against the hard cold ground. I feel my heart rush and suddenly my eyes close in rest. I feel strong arms carry me, I feel the cold air on my skin.


His POV:

I rushed her quickly to my apartment. What was wrong with her? All I did was bump into her, I didn't kill her did I? Is she still breathing? I check her pulse. Low pulse. I drive a bit faster, her body was frigid cold and as the time wasted I felt her quickly slipping away. I finally reach the my apartment and place her down on my bed. What was I supposed to do now? I'm acting as if I knew this girl..but I don't. Why am I already attached to her?


Her POV:

I wake up to the sound of someone humming. My eyes slightly open. They meet with beautiful brown eyes. The image of this person was blurry to me. I slowly rub my eyes against my hands. I feel soft fingers brush my cheek. My eyes finally adjust to my surrounding and I see him. I see his soft brown eyes and black hair. He had the scent of cigarettes in his breathe as he spoke.

"Are you feeling okay? I can take you to the hospital if you want. I can call your parents. I can do anything!" he say smiling.

What a beautiful, heart warming smile.

I think about what he's asking me, but the pounding in my head makes me grunt instead.

"Oh, I'm Zayn," he says with a shy smile.

"Why am I here?" I ask gulping.

"Uhm, I'll tell you in a you want anything? Water, soda?" he stuttered while saying this as if he was nervous.

"Water would be fine.." I say sitting up in his bed.

He rushes out of the room and I finally sit up. What had happened last night? Was I kidnapped? He seems too friendly to kidnap. Did he rape me? I quickly check under the sheets..I'm wearing a sweatshirt that I didn't recognize. I slowly smell it, it smells like cigarettes but then a faint smell of cologne. Why would he bring me to his place? Did I know him? No. Why was he so caring..?

I see 'Zayn' appear at the doorway.

"Heey.." he says handing me a glass of water.

I slowly observe his face expressions as I begin to speak.

"I honestly don't know what happened last night.." I say feeling my head begin to hurt.

"Well, I don't know what happened..but I kinda bumped into you, and you passed out. I got really nervous and brought you my apartment," he says softly looking into my eyes.

"I'm thank you," I say trying to smile passing through the awkwardness.

"I'm sorry if you're creeped out or just looked so wasted..I wasn't going to let someone rape you," Zayn says slightly laughing.

I smile at his words. He was sweet.

"One last question..?" I say avoiding eye contact.

"Anything," he says.

"Do you know who's sweatshirt this is?" I say pointing at the sweatshirt I'm wearing.

"Oh uhm..well your shirt was soaked with I just put it to wash.." he says smiling shyly once again.

I slowly get up and his face expression changes, almost as if he was upset for me to leave. I ignore the thought of that and put on my shoes. I feel his eyes following every move I make.

"Thanks for helping me..god only knows what could've happened to me," I smile.

He quickly walked towards me and led me into the main entrance. I see his eyes saden as I twist the door knob.

"Wait.." he says grabbing a hold of my hand.

He slowly lets go as I turn around in confusion.

"What's your name?" Zayn says slowly.

"Noelle," I smile.

"Do you need anything? A ride..?" Zayn asks slowly.

"I'll be fine..thank you," I smile.

He wraps his arms around my waist. This grabs me by surprise as I stand there quietly. His head rests on my shoulder and I feel his breathe traveling down my spine. This hug, was comforting. I decide to to lock my arms around his neck. I feel love as I close my eyes and hold on for a while.

"Listen Noelle," Zayn whispers, sending chills down my back.

"When I was changing your shirt..I saw the scars," his voice was soft and smooth.

My heart drops. He has already seen my biggest flaw. I take a deep breath, as he speaks.

"You are more than those scars, I want you to keep fighting. I want you to survive the fight. I want you to win," he says tightening his grip on my waist.

I feel tears forming in my eyes. I slowly let go of him and step back. I quickly wipe my tears so he doesn't see me crying, but he has already caught me. He gently wipes my tears as I look down towards the ground.

"You're beautiful, and I don't know what it is about you..but I feel as if..I'm already connected to you," he says looking into my eyes.

lovely; z.m fanficWhere stories live. Discover now