Chapter 6

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Trustworthy- Chapter 6

It was now my turn to blush. I hadn't expected Niall to see that tweet so soon. I thought he was going to wait until i left before he checked twitter, but all it took was him to leave the room and he was already checking twitter.

"Umm, well...uhh yeah kinda." I said with a small smile playing at my lips. I didn't want to admit it to Niall that he would be my favorite out of the boys, if I could pick a favorite. Just another 'Directioner Problem' as twitter and tumblr had put it.

I'm scared of what Niall says and if I make him feel special or different in any way. I feel kind of stupid just throwing it out there to the whole world that I felt something for the Irish boy, that I had just met yesterday.

Niall's response seemed to take forever to get to my ears, but once it did, I wasn't sure how to feel. "There's something about you that makes me feel differently than I usually do. I'm just not sure if it makes me feel special or not." Niall said, sounding rather cautious with his words.

I felt my own face fall. I didn't need Niall walking back to the couch and pull me closer to him comforting me, to know that. I took a chance and threw my feelings out there and Niall wasn't sure howhe felt about me?!

That wasn't the response I wanted, but even an actresses daughter doesn't get what she wants. Kirsten was always the one that was good at talking withboys and she always knows when to tell boys about how she feels. I never knew how she did it.

I felt Niall's fingers on my face wiping away tears, I didn't notice falling down my face. Why I was crying, I have no idea. It's just a little crush and Niall said he didn't know. He has all summer and hopefully longer to figure out how he feels about me.

I had a strong feeling that Niall's feelings aren't the same as mine. It's not like I love him, but I can't deny the fact that I like him. I just didn't know I liked him this much.

Niall and I sat on the couch eating popcorn as Niall's arms were still wrapped around me in a comforting way. Neither of us had spoken a word and it wasn't awkward at all. I felt safe in his arms. I need to do something about the feeling of safety whike with him.

I have been hurt by too many people in the past to just trust Niall so easily. Even though I thought I knew Niall enough, by him and the five brits getting their lives thrown into the public eye, I needed to get to know him better before I feel so safe and secure around him.

The first person to ever hurt me was my own flesh and blood. The second I was old enough to comprehend the fact that their was no male figure around, I took the opportunity to ask my mom about it and she told me that my father had walked out when she was seven months pregnant.

I never even got the chance to meet the guy and I hated him. He didn't even give me a chance. I asked my mom a lot of questions about him over the years, her being ever so careful not to mention his name. I know that they were never married to each other, but he was married to another woman. My mom knew all about his affair and still stayed with him. She told me that she loved him and thought that he loved her too, but he had a wife and a three year old son.

I also know that he is british but I was never allowed to know what part of England he is from. According to my mom he still lives in the same area he has always lived. I just didn't know where that was.

"Carlee? Carlee?!" Niall was shaking me lightly. I noticed that I had started to cry harder. "Huh? What Niall?" I asked him.

"You started crying really hard and gasping for air."

I had been told I did that when I thought too hard, particularily about my father. Kirsten has had to shake me awake before because I have started to hyperventilate in my sleep.

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