Chapter 4

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Trustworty- Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning not knowing at all what time it was. I remembered the events of the day before and the fact that I had met five of my idols, and the most wanted boys in the word right now.

I could only remember one of my dreams from the previous night and I wanted that to be as real as it had actually seemed. All five of the boys from One Direction and Kirsten were all in my dream. We seemed to be at some sort of amusement park?

Kirsten had some how convinced Harry to get on a rather large and scary looking roller coaster. Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis, and I had all decided to join Kirsten and Harry on the roller coaster. I was seated inbetween Niall and Louis and Kirsten was in front of us seated inbetween Harry and Liam while Zayn sat in front of them looking extremely awkwardly seated inbetween two fans. The ride had started and I saw the two fans grasping either side of Zayn's arms while Zayn was turned around giving all of us death glares. Kirsten was leaning against Harry, while his arm was draped around her shoulders and Liam was throwing his hands everywhere acting crazily. Niall and I were holding hands while Louis was trying to climb out of the harness insisting that he was 'Spider-Lou.'

That was all of the dream that I could remember, but it was one of the best dreams ever and I knew I had slept a fair amount.

I got up out of bed, not bothering to check my phone, making my way to my bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day, still not even knowing the time. I took a fifteen minute shower. I wrapped a tower around my body and grabbed another one and wrapped my hair up in it. I made my way back into my room and into my huge walk in closet. I am a daughter of an actress after all, having a good fashion sense is part of who I am.

I picked out a pair of red capri jeans with tears all down the front, a blue superman shirt, a white headband, and sparky blue converse. I got dressed in my clothes and made my way to my hair and make-up vanity. All my make-up was put away and my straightener was laying on the floor already plugged in. I turned it on and set it to the heat I needed to make my hair completely straight. As the straightener was heating I got started on my make-up. Concealer, cover-up, mascara, eyeliner, a coat of white lip gloss, and a layer of sparkly blue eye shadow was what I put on, I have no idea what the plans are for the day.

As I reached down for my straightener I heard my phone vibrate from the other side of the room, still plugged in and under my pillow on the bed. I got up and flopped myself on my bed, hopping I didn't mess up my newly done make-up. After searching a few seconds for my phone, I found it and pressed the home button, bringing the screen to life.

I had 7 unread messages and 5 twitter notifications from yesterday evening. Before I read any of the messages I checked the time, it was 8:15am. I was up way earlier than even I expected. I logged into twitter to check those notifications first. They weren't mentions as I had first suspected.

The notifications were of tweets from new followers. 'That's a new setting', I thought to myself. I tapped the first one and it brought up a tweet from Niall

NiallOfficial: Had an amazin day at the photo shoot, met some amazing people

The next tweets were from Harry, Liam, Zayn, and then Louis.

Harry_Styles: enjoyable shoot, get a pic up when 'the devil' allows.

That tweet made me laugh, yesterday Harry had called my mom the devil to her face, joking around of coarse. I'm pretty sure the fans had no idea the actual meaning of that tweet, but they had their suspicions about the boys' management.

Then there was Liam's tweet, him being the sensible one, as usual.

Real_Liam_Payne: Today's photo shoot was a blast. Thanks to all the fans who showed up. :)

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