Fuyu sighed, moving forward slowly. Her legs felt like they were jelly and judging by how her feet felt like they were gliding across a floor made of ice, it made sense for her to fall a moment later.

Fuyu cried out in pain, though there was more annoyance in her voice. Her head hurt, not happy to have to process yet another ounce of pain that seeped into her system. Her eyes watered slowly, knowing how difficult this journey to safety and fresh clean air would be for her.

"Pathetic." Dabi stepped near her, his body above hers and looking down at her with a face that was unreadable from both the smoke and his strangely calm features. "It would be easy to leave you here to perish."

Fuyu's stomach knotted further, something inside of her finally reaching her tipping point when it came to her interactions with Dabi. No matter how hard she tried to not allow his words of self-worthlessness towards her get under her skin, it was finally seeping in. And while she knew wasn't the best hero out in the public, she knew she had more worth to her life then he was telling her.

"Then go! I don't need you to continue to kick me when I'm down... not like you'd ever know what this feels like..." She groaned, moving her legs slowly to help pick her up once more.

Dabi's eyes narrowed, her words hitting him in a way that didn't settle right with him. Was she pulling his leg? Or did he assume too much and this worthless hero truly not know who or what he was? Either way, he knew now that something in his mind had changed his opinion of the hero before him.

She was crawling her way out, wanting to not throw in the towel, despite there being several different things that could easily ruin her chances... she was trying her best to get past them. Something in his memories making him feeling a long forgotten emotion for her. And thus... he knew what he needed to do at this moment now.

Fuyu nearly screamed when she was suddenly being lifted up and then adjusted into the arms of the villain she had been fighting with moments before. The burns on her neck not being the only thing making her skin heat up at this moment. And as her dark hues widened when she saw that the flame villain was carrying her out, she had to question her own sanity.

Part of her believing that her head injury and the amount of pain she was in was making her start to hallucinate. Another part of her assumed that Dabi had taken in a bit too much smoke and now, Dabi was acting out of character because his lungs were filling with poison.

But despite the logic behind both of these reasons... she knew neither could truly be the reason this was happening. Nor could she explain how some part of her was fine and comfortable with her, the rescue hero, being saved and brought out of a dangerous situation by one of the most wanted and dangerous villains in Japan currently.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked, eyes starting to close slowly as the male's body started to move in a way that was calm and soothing to her.

"Well... seeing as you tried to help me before, I might as well return the favor." Dabi spoke, looking to not be too pleased with this. In fact, he looked rather annoyed that he was even actually carrying out this sudden impulse.

"I wasn't even able to do it though... that's how we both got down here in the first place, remember?" Fuyu sighed, eyes feeling heavier and heavier by the minute.

"Just shut up and let me get your injured self out of here... and don't think this is any sort of sympathy for you. I'd just rather not kill you when you would have died already. I'd rather do it when I know I was the one and only cause."

Fuyu rolled her eyes, knowing better than to say anything to this. He was some kind of strange, and even worse since he was dedicated to a life of crime and making others suffer from his own two hands.

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