Behind The Mask (Jane x Male!masked reader)

Start from the beginning

There was a knock on the door and Jeff got up and smirked at who was at the door,"Oh hey Jane~" He smugly said as y/n furiously blushed under his mask. "Hey asshole,where's y/n?" Jane asked. 'Jeff,shut the fuck up!' y/n thought as he glared at his roommate. "Oh he's right here!" Jeff said as he moved out of the way. 'Fuck you Jeffery Woods!' y/n cursed internally.

"H-hey Jane. What's u-up?" y/n stuttered out as Jeff quietly snickered. "I actually just wanted to check if you guys were still coming later?" Jane asked. "U-" "Of course we'll be there!" Jeff cut y/n off which made him glare at the forever smiling boy. "Okay! See you later!" Jane waved as she walked out. Jeff smirked as he closed the door.

He turned around to see y/n just staring at him,assuming he was glaring through the eyeholes of his mask. "What?" Jeff asked innocently. Y/n just flipped him off,"Fuck you,you're so dead asshole!" With that the goose chase of y/n chasing Jeff around the mansion began.

(Le Time Skip)

Y/n's POV:
After the chase with Jeff,I came up to change into my sleepwear,which was a pair of black sweats and a white tshirt. I sighed as I grabbed my blanket and pillow. I walked downstairs into the living room. I opened the doors to be greeted by everyone. "Hey y/n/n!" Toby waved. "Hey." I waved back.

I then made my way to the couch and sat down next to LJ. "Sup y/n." He fist bumped me to which I happily returned. "Hey y/n!" Jeff plopped next to me. "Get away from me." I glared as I wrapped myself in my blankets. "Come on y/n/n,dont be like that~" Jeff sang as he tried to get me out of my cacoon,TRIED. "Fuck off!" I yelled as I rolled onto the floor.

"What's up with him?" I heard EJ ask. "He's mad at me for teasing him about his crush on Ja-!" "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled as I threw my pillow at his face as my cheeks heated up. "See." Jeff said as he pointed at me. I just grumbled a few curses as I hid my flustered face,even though I knew they couldn't see it because of my mask. "Who does our little y/n have a crush on?~" LJ asked.

"Jane." Jeff smirked. "Jeffery motherfucking Woods!!" I yelled as I threw my slippers at him. "Jane?" BEN asked with a smirk. "I-I dont know w-why you're making such a b-big deal out of this..." I muttered as I looked at my lap. "Dude,it's a big deal because you haven't seen her face and she hasn't seen yours." Masky explained. "So mysterious!" Hoodie said.

"I don't care! I don't care what she looks like! All I know is that I love her for being her! Nothing and nobody can change that!" I yelled. Everyone stared at me wide eyed. "What?" I asked. "Dude I never thought you'd like her like that..." EJ trailed. "I don't like her,idiot! I love her!" I said as I knitted my eyebrows.

Everyone went silent. "Hey guys!" I heard Nina yell as she and the girls walked in. "Hey" We all said. "Woah what's with the mood?" Clockwork chuckled. "What mood?" I nervously asked. She eyed me suspiciously before shrugging. "Anyways let's get this sleepover started!" Jane yelled and we all nodded.

'Jane still has her mask on? I hope she takes it off...' I thought with a blush. "Who wants to play seven minutes in heaven?" Nina asked as she sat down on her purple pillow. "Sure why not." EJ smiled. "I'm in." BEN said. We all just nodded and sat in a circle. BEN took his hat off and we all placed an item in the bag.

Third Person's POV:
After all the pastas placed an item in BEN's hat,Nina shook the hat around. "Okay,who's going first?" she asked with a smirk. Everyone remained silent. "Jane!" Nina yelled as she placed the hat infront of the raven haired girl. Jane gulped and shakily placed her hand in the hat,she pulled it out to see a f/c colored braclet with a f/a charm.

Y/n's face flushed and he looked away as Jane stared at the bracelet,trying to figure out who it belonged to. "Y/n/n,is this yours?" Jane asked the h/c haired boy as she showed the bracelet. Y/n nodded his head shyly as he looked away. Jane secretly smiled under her mask because she hoped to get y/n's item.

"Okay you two! In you go!" Nina and Jeff said as they pushed the two serial killers into a nearby closet. "Remember that you've only got seven minutes~~" Jeff sang with a smirk as he locked the door from the outside.

(In The Closet with Jane and Y/n)

The Closet was quite cramped which led to y/n and Jane being pressed up against each other. Y/n nervously gulped as he was pushed up against the raven haired girl. "S-sorry Jane." He muttered. Jane looked up at him weirdly,"For what?" "For being stuck in a closet with me." Y/n sadly said.

Jane just giggled,"Are you kidding? I wouldn't be stuck with anyone else." "Really?" y/n asked. Jane nodded, "Now I can get to know you better. I mean we never had a real conversation." Jane explained and y/n hummed in understanding.

"'ve you been?" y/n nervously asked. "Good. You?" Jane asked. "Good." He answered. An awkward silence surrounded the two. "Y/n?" Jane called. "Yeah?" He answered as he looked down at Jane. "Can I see your face,please?" Jane shyly asked. Y/n blushed under his mask and remained silent. "Y-you don't have to-"

"NO. I will but you have to show yours too." Y/n cut Jane off my grabbing her hands. Jane blushed and nodded. They both placed the hands on the chin of their masks,"Ready?" Jane asked. Y/n nodded,"Just please don't freak out." "I wont." Jane smiled. Y/n inhaled a deep breathe,"On three."


The last count,Jane and y/n removed their masks in the dimly lit closet. Both with nervous smiles on their faces. Jane was shocked,y/n was extremely good looking! His e/c eyes and pink plump lips,baby cheeks but a jawline that could cut pizza aswell. She couldn't help but blush. But y/n was even more shocked.

Jane was more beautiful than he could've ever imagined. Her pale face,black lips,black eyes and long eyelashes was defiantly a sight to behold. "You're so handsome/beautiful..." They both breathed out at the same time. Jane and y/n stared at each other before laughing. After the laughter died down Jane and y/n were left in silence.

"Jane," y/n said. The raven haired girl looked up at him,"Yes?" Y/n gulped out of nervousness. "I,uhh,I've been wanting t-to tell y-you something for,uhh,a while now," Y/n stated as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "What is it?" Jane asked as her heartbeat picked up. Y/n sighed and grabbed Jane's smaller hands in his own,"Jane," He stared down into her beautiful black orbs,"I really really really like-no love you."

"I love you so much that the thought of not being with you only makes me love you more. You're just the meaning of perfection in my eyes and no matter how hard I try,I can't put my emotions towards you in words. It's impossible. Your personality,your kindeness,your laugh,your hair,your body,you just being you and even your face behind your mask takes my breathe away."

"I'm hopelessly,unconditionally and honestly so in love with you,Jane Everlasting." Y/n finished off with a small,gentle,loving smile as he placed his right hand on her pale cheek. Jane stared wide-eyed at the e/c eyed boy,nobody had ever said anything to her like that. "Y/n..." Jane trailed with teary eyes.

"I understand if you don't love me-wait why are you crying?!" Y/n worriedly asked as he cupped Jane's cheeks. Jane shook her head,"Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before. It felt good." Jane smiled up at him. "And I love you too,y/n." Y/n smiled and then slowly bent down to close the gap between him and Jane.

Jane smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around y/n's neck while y/n wrapped his arms around her waist. The kiss was short and sweet,but filled with love and affection. Y/n and Jane smiled at each other. Y/n rested his forehead against Jane's and entertwined their fingers. "I really love you,Jane Everlasting." Y/n breathed out. "I really love you too,Y/n L/n." Jane smiled as she brought him in for another kiss.

"Hey guys! Seven minutes is-oh..." Clockwork trailed as she opened the closet only to be met with a maskless y/n and Jane making out. "Wait Y/n?!" Masky exclaimed with his jaw hanging. All the pastas stood by the closet,to see their h/c haired housemate without his mask for the first time. "Holy shit..." Nina said with a nosebleed.

Of course,Jane knitted her eyebrows and used her left leg to kick the door shut in her housmates faces so she and y/n could continue their makeout session in peace. "Wooh! Go get some y/n/n!" Jeff yelled.

So that's how y/n and Jane ended up  with purple-blue marks across the neck and chest.

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