Chapter 63: Estates Holdings and Threats

Start from the beginning

"Then give it to us! Please Kelsey!" She begs with tears in her eyes.

"I'm afraid that's not possible Mrs. Worthington." The lawyer speaks up. "There is a clause in the will that Ava cannot pass any estates or holdings onto you or your husband. If she does so, the money will be taken and divided between the various charities that were mentioned earlier."

My father shakes his head, once again pointing at me. "You'll regret this Kelsey. You and your little boyfriend will regret this."

"She really has no control over the matter Mr. Worthington." The lawyer defends me.

My father grabs him by his collar, dragging him to the door and throwing him outside the room. He stalks over to me, spinning my chair around and leaning over me, placing his hands on the arms of my chair, "You'll find a way to get me my money Kelsey!"

"Back off." Harry warns him, standing up.

"I'll ruin him Kelsey, you know I can." He threatens me.

"You can't touch me. You're fucking broke." Harry raises his voice, "Now back off."

My father stands back up, glaring up at Harry before storming out of the room. My mother quickly grabs her purse and follows behind him. She stops at the doorway and turns around, "This isn't over Kelsey. I would suggest getting rid of the boy before he pays for your mistakes."

I drop my head into my hands as she slams the door behind her. Harry leans down in front of me, but I quickly stand up.


"I told you to leave. I told you!" I raise my voice, running my hands over my face.

"Don't be upset love. He can't do anything to me."

"You have no idea what he is capable of Harry! This is why I didn't want you to know I was coming here! You would insist on coming with me. But now here you are anyway! Always butting in to my business! I can't protect you if they know about you!"

"Stop this." He says, placing his hands on my arms, "You don't need to protect me, I can handle myself. And you needed me here with you. I wanted to be here with you."

"You have no idea.." My voice fades off as I start to cry. Harry wraps his arms around me.

"Come on love, lets go home yeah?" He says quietly.

"I don't even have a home." I sob. I know I'm being a bit dramatic, but I don't care.

"I can be your home." He kisses my forehead, making my heart melt, "I love you Ava. No more secrets. We're in this together now, you and I."

I hold on to him tightly, as he starts to chuckle, "And don't forget you now have like three homes."

I groan, "What am I ever going to do with three estates?"

"Well I'm going to retire and live out my life very comfortably now that I have a rich cougar sleeping in my bed." Harry smiles and pulls away from me, giving me a wink.

"You did not just call me a cougar!" I smack his arm.

He laughs as he puts his hands on my cheeks, pulling me towards him and giving me a soft kiss.

"Now don't be mad at me." He says, leaning his forehead against my own, "It's actually quite romantic really... me following you here."

"Is it now?" I smile, shaking my head at him.

"Excuse me Miss Worthington, but we are closing up the church now." A large man says from the doorway.

I nod at him and we follow him as he leads us out of the church.

"I do hope you and your husband enjoyed the ceremony." He says as he locks the main doors behind us.

Harry immediately coughs as I look at him with an eyebrow raised. "Our car's here." He points to the Lincoln across the street.

Harry opens the door for me and I slide in as he jogs around the car and gets in the other side.

"So we're married now?" I smirk at him as he sits down.

"Of course we are. I had to lock this thing down." He smiles at me, his dimples making an appearance before he leans forward and opens the divider between us and the driver.

"Back to the hotel please." He says, before closing it back.

I pull out my phone, checking for the next available flight. "Looks like there's a flight out in about two hours. Just enough time to grab our stuff from the hotel and make it to JFK."

"Or we could stay and catch the next one." Harry places his hand on my thigh, slightly squeezing it.

"We leave now, we'll have a night and about half a day before we need to get back on the bus. And I really can't get out of this city fast enough."

"I understand." He nods pulling out his phone and typing away.

"What are you doing?"

"Booking a room for when we get back." He smiles to himself.

"Are you planning on taking advantage of me Styles?" I say, crossing my legs so my dress hikes up.

His eyes rake down my body as he bites his lip. He leans over to me as the divider opens up.

"We've arrived at the hotel. Is there anything else I can do for you?" The driver asks from the front seat as Harry mumbles something under his breath and sits back.

"Yes." I answer him, "If you could please wait for us, we just need to grab our bags then go to JFK."

"Certainly Miss."

I give Harry a smile before turning and getting out. I'm glad to keep my stay in this city as short as possible, but I can't help the nagging feeling that something bad is going to happen.

My mothers words are ingrained in my memory, 'I would suggest getting rid of the boy before he pays for your mistakes'.

I can't let that happen.

I won't let that happen.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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