No one was treating him any different, no one was taking pictures of him or asking to take selfies with him and he couldn't be more happy for how this morning was turning out. Hopefully, it was the start of many where he could just pause for a second and take a breather.

Liam looked content with his coffee, sipping happily. Ever since Louis had gotten famous, all his friends followed into the path of fame too. People were curious to know who Louis, Niall and Zayn were when they were photographed together, going out late at night and people often stopped them and ask for pictures. The boys would also often appear on stage during Louis's concert after staying backstage. 

"This is such a beautiful day!" Liam grinned.

Louis couldn't help but smile, nodding to agree. "It really is."

It was one of them days where Louis knew something great was coming and he was hoping it was because he finally got to discuss and put this perfume to plan. He couldn't wait to please his fans, one way or another.

"It's so quiet here, I like it. We should come here more often."

"I have to say, thank god it's so calm here." Louis sighed in relief as he gulped down a huge serving of his coffee. 

"I'm so glad you're off tour for this year, finally! Haven't been able to catch up with you like this in ages."

Louis sighed, again. Being on tour just reminded him of the endless tickets he mailed to Harry, right in front row so he could catch a glimpse of his ex best friend coming ton support him. He was gutted that ever since this journey had began, Harry wasn't even there once. He had not text him, called him or messaged him saying congralutions. It was like Harry didn't even care, wasn't even bothered and it was a stab to the chest each time the chair he had saved for Harry was empty.

He even sent backstage VIP passes but still no sign of Harry so Louis started to admit and accept the fact that maybe his best friend was just gone. He couldn't bring Harry back, even if he tried because he was so up Dalton's ass. Louis wished he could be happy for Harry, he really did but he hadn't met Dalton once and he couldn't give him blessings like that.

"Mate, I gave you guys free tickets to nearly every single one of my shows!" Louis frowned, rolling his eyes as he noticed a flash go off from outside the coffee shop. He glanced over to see some fans, waving through the windows.

Louis just nodded, waving back at them before directing his attention back to Liam. Liam smiled. "They're cute, giving you privacy and space."

"Love fans like that." Louis breathed out, leaning back in his chair and getting more comfortable.

"As I was saying, sure you gave us free tickets but we never got time to actually sit and talk like this. It was all a rush, you could come in, get ready and before you know it - you're being shoved onto a stage in front of screaming fans."

Louis remembered all the crazy tour memories, wanting to relive them. It was definitely the best part of this job even though he was only touring London, different arenas in each city but it was the best experience he could ask for. His fans were so dedicated, so head over heels with Louis and it was just adorable.

"I enjoyed it, so did you. I'm just glad we can do this as well." Louis gestured towards the table where their phones were, their drinks. "Something peaceful, get my mind off everything else."

Liam nodded. "We're all so proud of you Lou, you really have achieved more than adults have in just two years!"

Louis could never get tired of these compliments, telling him that they were proud of how far he was come and what he has to offer to the whole world. He flushed, looking down at his half empty cup. "I'm just estatic, this doesn't happen to everyone."

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