Chapter 9: Leave Me Alone

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I backed up stunned. Yeah i've had girl enemies, but none of them had ever slapped me.

"Val!!" Dustin yelled over the loud music.

Val gave me a stare and honestly if looks could kill, i'd be six feet under. She turned around and walked away.

I felt my face turn red as some kids turned around to stare at me. This is just a great image to set for me. The new girl gets slapped at a dance. Perfect.

Dustin grabbed my arm and pulled me over by the gym doors where it was quieter. "Taylor I'm so sorry. I'll talk with her and-"

"No Dustin, just leave me alone." I walked out to the front of the school and sat down on one of the benches. I started to silently cry.

"Hey are you alright?" I heard someone say. I looked up and say one of the most beautifulest guy i've ever soon besides Dustin.

"Y-yeah. I'm Taylor."

"I'm Danik." He sat down beside me and held my hand. "What happened?"

"Some girl slapped me." I muttered.

"Oh yeah i heard about that. Don't worry about it, by Monday, everyone will have forgotten about it." He smiled.

"That's good. So where's your date?"

"I came alone. My friends are shy around girls and didn't want to go alone." He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Guess what?"

I looked over at him. "My last name's Constancio. I'm part Italian." He said.

"Oh that's so cool! My mom's part italian so i guess that makes me italian too." I smiled.

His laugh was so beautiful. His bright green eyes sparkled in the moonlight. I heard the school doors open and looked over to see Dustin walking over to me.

"Do you want to leave?" He asked, eyeing Danik.

I nodded and looked back at Danik. "Thanks Danik." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. He had the most cutest, biggest grin on his face.

I smiled and got up. Dustin reached for my hand but i kept walking. I just can't handle the whole drama thing with Val wanting Dustin.

We didn't talk the whole ride home. Once we pulled up in my driveway, i got out and started walking to the front door. "Taylor wait!" Dustin called behind me.

I stopped walking and turned around. He walked up to me and grabbed my hand. "I'm so sorry about tonight with Val. I'll tell her to knock it off. Just please don't be mad at me."

"Dustin, i can't do this anymore! This is what, the first day of school for me and already i have an enemy?! Dustin I'm sorry, but i just can't compete with her." I turned around and opened my front door. Once i closed it, i heard my mom running down the stairs.

"Oh honey how was it? Did you..." Her voice trailed off when she saw the tears running down my face. I hadn't even realized i was crying when i broke up with Dustin.

Mom wrapped her arms around me as i cried. After i settled down, i told her the story of that night and walked up to my room.

When i opened my door, i saw a note on my bed. It said, "Taylor- I know you can't compete with Val because you'd win! I don't want her, i want you and only you! and right now i bet all you're thinking of was that "Danik" guy. If you want to be with him then fine, but i'll always love you and i'll always be here if you want to be with me again. From, Dustin."

I put the note back down and walked over to my bathroom and took my makeup off. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and slid off my dress. I hanged it up and put on some basketball shorts and a tank top and crawled into bed. I grabbed my remote and turned on the Kardashians, when mom walked in with the phone.

"Taylor, it's for you." She handed the phone to me, then she left.


"Hey Taylor; it's Danik. I searched you up in the phone book. I know... cheesy right?"

I laughed and turned down the tv. "Was that your boyfriend?" He asked.

"Not anymore. I couldn't compete with his ex, Val."

"Val? Are you serious? She's pretty i guess but you, your gorgeous!"

I was speechless for a moment. When i finally regained my voice, all i could say was a small 'thank you'

He laughed. "My phone can search where you live, i'll come by your house. Is now ok?"

"Yeah come on the left side of the house and throw a rock at my window. I'll open it up." i responded.

"You have a tree next to your house right?"


"Alright see you in about 10 minutes." He hanged up and i jumped out of bed. I shut my closet door and straightned out my bedsheets and shut my bathroom door. I moved some boxes into my closet when i heard a small rock hit my window. I opened it up and saw Danik start climbing up the tree.

He crawled inside the window and got under the covers of my bed. "I can run pretty fast, that's why i'm here early." He grinned.

He kicked off his shoes and turned the tv up. He patted the bed beside him and i crawled in beside him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I gently started to run my fingers through his hair.

Was I seriously falling for this guy so fast?

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