Chapter 7: A Magical Night

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After school, and trying to avoid Val; Dustin, Kayla, and I walked together toward our neighborhood. Jude met up with us and started telling us that he finally asked a girl to the dance.

                “Yeah but Jude, you asked her the day before the dance? Isn’t that a little late?” Dustin asked.

                “Yeah but we’ve been like really close friends and-,“ Jude stopped walking. “Wait, you asked Taylor the night before!”

                “Yeah but I haven’t known her for two years like you knew Bethany.” Dustin replied, as he grabbed my hand.

                “Yeah. Well, at least the dance is tonight.”

                As we approached the house, Dustin leaned over and kissed my cheek.

                “I love you Taylor.”

                “I love you too.” I replied, smiling.

                I walked into the house and saw my dad asleep on the couch. I walked into my room and saw Dustin sitting on my bed. I quickly shut the door.

                “You know you shouldn’t be sneaking up here. What would happen if my mom walked in?”

                Dustin got up with a grin and wrapped his arms around me.

                “She knocks, doesn’t she?” He asked, grinning.

                “Yes but I need to get ready for the dance tonight.” I said, smiling.

                He laughed and let go. He kissed my cheek then climbed out the window. I checked my phone; I had thirty minutes.

                I opened my closet and pulled out my purple strapless dress. I usually only wore it for special occasions like this.

                I took it off the hanger and threw it on the bed. I got on all fours and started digging through my closet for shoes when my phone started ringing.

                The caller I.D. said Nathan. I sighed but decided to be amazing and answer it.


                “Hey beautiful! Whats up?” He answered.

                “I’m just getting ready for a school dance.” I replied flatly.

                “Oh. That’s um, good?”

                “Well you’re the one who asked.”

                “Whatever. By the way, Kylie and I are dating. Jealous much?”

                “No. I’m happy for you two.”


                “Yeah, well I got to go. Bye Nathan.” I said as I hanged up. I walked into my bathroom and started the shower.

                I couldn’t stop thinking about Dustin. Was I going crazy? Is this normal?

                I kept my phone on the counter by the shower so I dried off my hands and grabbed it. And yes, I am texting in the shower. I’m amazing like that.

                I texted Nicki and asked her. A few seconds later she responded: “No, it’s completely normal. I hope you have fun at the dance!”  I put the phone down and continued to bathe.

                Once I get out and dry off, I plug the blow dryer in and start drying my hair, when I hear a knock at the bathroom door.

                “Taylor? It’s me, Dustin.” Dustin whispers.

                Oh shoot. “Just a second!” I quickly slide my sweats on and a tank top.

                “okay.” I say, as he walks through the door and closes it behind him.

                “Dustin what are you doing here?” I ask, plugging in the flat iron.

                “Simple; I’m spending quality time with my girlfriend.” He smiles as he wraps his arms around me.

                I smile as I turn around and place my head on his chest. He kisses my forehead softly.

                “No one will find out.” He whispers.

                “About what?” I ask, looking up at him.

                “If we kissed; and um, Taylor, how far would you ever go with me? I don’t care im just wondering.”

                “I don’t know. But I will kiss you though.”

                He cupped my head with one hand and the other he placed on my waist. He leans forward and presses his soft lips against mine.

Small Town Love by JulieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang