Chapter 4: Night Surprise

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Dustin walked me home after McDonalds. I agreed to go out with him, and we would see how it goes. He held my hand as we walked.

                He wasn’t like Nathan. Nathan would always want to show me off to his friends. He always wanted to have his arm wrapped around me waist whenever we walked. But Dustin was calm and was okay with just holding hands.

“Thanks Taylor, for everything.” Dustin said.

“Wow, my first day in Washington and I already have a boyfriend.” I replied, smiling.

Dustin grinned.

“Yeah, well I know your mom might not want you to kiss yet, some im just going to give you a really big, long hug. How’s that for you?” Dustin replied.

“Yeah, it’s perfect.”

He walked up close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist when he hugged me. He leaned by my face and kissed my cheek.

“Bye Taylor. I’ll pick you up here around seven in the morning for school okay?” Dustin said, as he walked down the driveway.           

                I couldn’t help notice how adorable and cute he looked in his grey skinny jeans and grey sweatshirt, with his light brown hair. I know to other people, they might just look normal, but I liked his eyes. They were a light blue but with a little green or hazel around the ends.

I walked inside and saw my mom reading a fashion magazine on our new couch.

                “I saw you two lovebirds outside, and I heard your conversation.” Mom said.

                “You’re not mad are you?” I asked.

                “No sweetie, of course im not mad. I just don’t want you two to be inappropriate.”

                Mom walked up to me and threw her arms around me.

                “I love you so much darling and I just want you to be happy up here in Washington.” Mom said.

                “I am mom, don’t worry. Well, I am so far, I haven’t gone to school yet or anything.”

                I walked into my room and found my window open with a note on my bed. I picked up the letter, and on the front, it said, “From Dustin”. I read it out loud.

                “Hey, it’s me Dustin. There’s a tall tree by your window, so I just decided to be awesome and climb it to give you this note. Taylor, I will do anything to make you happy. I want you to have an awesome time here in Washington, and I’ll do anything to make that happen. See you tomorrow at school.  ” The note said.

I smiled. Just remembering his smile, his eyes, his voice, made everything about Washington seem great.

I texted Kylie and told her about Dustin and my new house. A few seconds she replied.

“Yeah, sure that’s great. Don’t get mad but, im dating Nathan. I got to go. Bye.” Kylie wrote back.

Actually, it wasn’t a huge surprise to me. I always knew Kylie liked Nathan. I would always see her flirting with him while we were dating, but I never said anything because I knew she would be offended and would have denied it.

I fell on my bed and grabbed my laptop. I checked my emails and noticed I had one from Noah. He told me he missed me and that, he always thought I was beautiful.

I always knew he liked me. We went out for a few months, but then decided that if we ever split, it would wreck our friendship.

“Taylor! Taylor honey, the phones for you. Your Aunt Bonnie is calling.” Mom called from downstairs.

I got up from bed and walked downstairs. I smelled some sort of pie or something. I looked inside the kitchen and saw a pumpkin pie with a letter beside it saying “Welcome Home.” I walked over to the phone and picked it up.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi Taylor, it’s your aunt Bonnie.”

“Hey Aunt Bonnie, how’s Uncle James?” I asked.

“Oh he’s doing all right. How’s Washington so far? Got any boyfriends yet?”

“Washington’s good I guess and yes I got a boyfriend. His name is Dustin.”

“Dustin? Dustin Boyer? His dad and your dad went to school together I think.”

“Yeah, that’s what he told me. He’s really nice and cute.”

The good thing about Aunt Bonnie was that, she’s only twenty-seven, and that means we can both stare at cute guys together.

“Oh that’s good Taylor. Well, I have to go. I’m meeting some friends at the mall, so I’ll talk to you later okay? I might come up in Christmas, which is only four weeks away.”

“Oh, okay. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.” I answered, as I hanged up.

I looked at the clock, it was seven forty-five. I walked upstairs and got into the shower.

No matter what I did, I still kept thinking about Dustin, his cute smile, his eyes, his voice and his laughter. Everything about him seemed magical. As I rinsed my hair, I thought about Dustin’s soft light brown hair.

I got out of the shower and got on my basketball shorts and LA Lakers tank top. I walked into my room and fell onto my bed. A few minutes later I heard a sort of rattling by my window. I looked over and saw Dustin hanging from a branch on the tree by my window. I opened my window and he climbed inside my room and looked around.

“Dustin what are you doing here?”

“I just thought I would say hi. You sleep in those clothes?”

“Yeah, got a problem?” I asked, putting a hand on my hip.

“Nope, you look good.” He replied, as he walked over and wrapped his arms around me.

“I love you Taylor. I know we barely know each other, but us dating will let us get to know each other. And don’t worry im not a troublemaker.”

“Good, my mom will like that.” I replied. Dustin leaned over and kissed my cheek.

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