Chapter 1: The News

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Yeah, life is actually perfect for me at the moment. Oh wait, no it isn’t! I’m a fourteen year old dirty blonde living in Beverly Hills California. Sounds great right? Well, yeah I have to admit it kind of is. Except when I have an over controlling boyfriend who won’t let me hang out with my other guy friends while im around him. It’s hard for me to break up with him because his parents are really good friends with my parents so I don’t want to ruin their best friend relationship.

                I live in an awesome two story house right smack in the middle of Beverly Hills and I go to an awesome Junior High. Im popular and all, but I don’t like to bully other people or cause drama.

My mom got me this cool laptop for my thirteenth birthday on June 21st. Every day, after school and homework, I just get on my laptop and buy music and instant message friends. It’s cool I guess, I just wish my family life wasn’t so dramatic. My parents are literally rich and like to show it off a lot. My dad even spent like a ton of money on this new sports car which he barely drives because he’s afraid someone might, I don’t know, wreck its awesome beauty or something.

                “Taylor, come here please.” Mom yelled from the deck in the backyard.

                Oh great, wonder what I did this time.

                “Coming mom.”

                I walk out to the deck and find my mom in her bikini with her long straight blonde hair laying by our pool and dad in his light green polo shirt tucked into his khaki shorts.

                “Oh hi darling. We just wanted to let you know, that we might be moving.” Says mom, as she starts rubbing in some more over expensive tanning lotion.

                “Oh yay! Maybe somewhere like Paris or Hawaii! Or better yet, let’s just go to Alaska!” I say in a sarcastic voice.

                “Now honey, we’ve been over this a thousand times, your father is applying for jobs to work in special businesses that would make us a lot of money and-“

                “When and where are you hopefully planning to move?”

                “Well, it’s not official when we’re moving but we know where though.”

                “Well? Where we moving?”


“Wait what! Oh come on mom! It rains there like practically every day and-“

“Taylor Marie Hansen! Now look, I know Washington isn’t the greatest place, but at least maybe we can get a clean and fresh start on a new life.” Says mom, as she looks at her cell phone.

                “Your father’s secretary just texted me back and said to start packing and we should be able to leave in about a few days so you should start packing dear. Boxes are in the garage.” Says mom as she starts to get up from her lawn chair.

                “I need to go to the tanning salon. I need to get a new fresh tan since there probably isn’t any sun very much in Washington.” Mom says as she walks into the house.

                Oh my gosh. The thing that annoys me about my family is how they spend way too much money on things they really don’t need. I swear, when we move, my mom will probably be the tannest person there.

                As I walk into my room, my cell phone starts ringing.

                “Hello?” I ask.

                “Hey baby.” Says Nathan, my boyfriend.

                “Please don’t call my baby. I aint nobody’s baby.” I reply, getting annoyed.

                “Calm down! Geeze. So are you moving or staying.”

                “We’re moving.”



                “Oh,” Nathan starts laughing. “I didn’t know it was that bad.”

                “Whatever. I got to go. I need to start packing.”

                “Bye baby!” Nathan says as he hangs up.

                “Stop calling me that!” I yell as I shut my phone.

                I fall on my bed, thinking about my life in California. All my friends, my house, my family. My whole life has been about eating at the greatest restaurants and having everything we buy has to be overly expensive. I’ve never felt normal.

                I get up off of my bed and walk over to my closet. I pull out my scrapbook I made with my friends. It has pictures of me and some of my friends at a concert. It was a Justin Bieber concert. My friends Kylie and Nicki went with me. Nicki got to be Justin’s “One less lonely girl”.  Yeah we were kind of jealous but we were really happy for her. We knew each other since we were in diapers. We’ve always been best friends.

                All of a sudden, my door bursts open and my cousin Greg is standing by my door with a chocolate bar in his hand. Greg was staying with us for a few weeks until we move. Greg was two months older than me.

                “Your mom gave me a few bucks to go buy this and you aint got nothing!” Says Greg, as he walks into my room and sits on my bed.

                “Oh and by the way, there’s someone here for you.” Greg says as he eats.

                “Who?” I ask.

                “I don’t know some guy.”


                “What? Why are you so mad?”

                “Because it’s probably Nathan.”

                “Who?” Greg asks as he gets up.

                I walked over to the front door and look out to see Noah, my best friend.

                “Noah! Oh my gosh we haven’t seen each other in ages!” I say, as I throw my arms around him.

                “It’s only been two days.” He says as he smiles.

                “Come on, help me pack.”

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