The temporary rescue...

Comincia dall'inizio

He didn't see Ludovic laugh as Sherlock pointed his middle finger towards Jamen and mouthed a nasty set of insults to him. Sherlock may have been afraid of the man, but that didn't mean he couldn't flip him off.

All that mattered was that Sherlock was safe in John's arms. At least...for now.

"Put me down," Sherlock ordered as they neared the entrance, using his violin to wack John.

John fought of a smile, his voice was pretty adorable. "No, Sherlock. We need to get you to the hospital. We'll drive with Mycroft and Molly to the hospital-"

"No. I may look helpless at the moment, but I am a fully responsible adult. I don't need my older brother driving me to the doctors." Sherlock protested stubbornly. But the faint quiver in his voice and the way his head bobbed with every step said other wise. Not to mention how much paler he seemed to be getting ever minute.

Ludovic swooned, "He's such a precious bean!"

"Your mother-"

"Alright, Sherlock. That's enough. We just-" John swore suddenly, gazing out of the front door where Molly and Mycroft were visible. He was surprised about the literal helicopter Mycroft had parked outside. Molly and Mycroft were verbally abusing each other, which wasn't surprising, but John had just realized...

"Ha! They don't know." Sherlock said, as if reading his mind, taking a second to take in a few deep breaths before continuing. "Don't worry, John. I have the perfect plan..." His smile was purely wicked as he looked from John's arms to where his older brother stood.

John wanted to protest, but he decided that letting Sherlock torment his brother would help lighten all of their moods. Plus, he loved watching Mycroft freak out.


"My brother will never love you," Mycroft said plainly, "he's to in love with his ego to love anything else."

"Oh, just like you and your cake?" Molly retorted, folding her arms defensively.

Mycroft glared, Molly didn't realize the immense scientific process his precious cake went through to be perfect. They'd began bickering out of nerves waiting for John. In all honestly, he was perfectly fine with leaving John and the fat man to save Sherlock. But the freaky child John had picked up along the way wouldn't stop talking as if Sherlock was already dead.

"It's too late." the nasty child drawled, watching them from the helicopter. Mycroft had discarded the...thing the moment he had the chance.

Molly frowned, "What do you mean, Lucy?" she asked gently, though her eyes were narrowed worriedly.

"He's one of us. Too late." She muttered, before losing interest completely in the conversation to stab herself with what appeared to be a pencil. Mycroft wasn't sure where the child had found the pencil, but there was one thing for certain he knew, he was never going to have a child. Disgusting little things, they were. He was just glad there weren't more than one.

At that moment, John and Ludovic came into view. Mycroft's heart began to pound and his mind began spinning when he didn't see Sherlock among them. But John was smiling, waving. It gave him hope to look professional as he restrained Molly from tackling John in a hug.

"So?" He said shortly, "Where is he?"

John exchanged glances at Ludovic. They were quite plainly trying to keep something secret, which meant it had something to do with Sherlock. He couldn't have been hurt, John wouldn't have been smiling, but something was definitely up.

"He's coming..." John muttered, glancing behind him.

All four of them stared. And stared. Even John looked confused as nothing happened. Sherlock had probably planned to walk out dramatically, Mycroft guessed. He knew for a fact that Sherlock loved the dramatics.

But right as Mycroft started to ask what John was playing at, he heard the sound of his helicopter powering up. All four of them spun around, and Mycroft watched in horror as the little girl cheered as the helicopter began to slowly rise.

"Sherlock-you idiot!" John screamed, racing to jump on the helicopter before it got to high. But it was too late.

The helicopter took off, and all Mycroft, John, Ludovic and Molly could do was stare as the helicopter spun around the mansion several times, dramatically swerving up and down before finally coming slowly to the ground.

Mycroft was furious. Why had he been worried about Sherlock? The little brat could've wrecked his plane, died, killed the child thing, the sociopath maniac.

He muttered a few curses as he followed Molly and Ludovic up to the plane to where John was scolding the person sitting in the drivers seat.

"You need to go to the hospital, Sherlock! You could have lost consciousness, you could have gotten dizzy, and you're too short!"

Too short? Mycroft scoffed, assuming it was some sort of inside joke between the two. But as he finally pulled himself close enough to see Sherlock, he was proven wrong. A small boy in a hospital gown looked up at him, grinning evilly at him. He had thick black hair that fell in soft curls around his face. It wasn't until the boy announced, "Oh, brother dear. Why didn't you tell me you had such an entertaining toy?" that he knew who it was.

"Is that?" Molly gasped.

John nodded grimly, "It is."


"No idea."

Mycroft stared at his brother, Sherlock, before screaming, "What the f-"

~To be Continued~

Ta da! This is the ending to part one of my story. I hope you've enjoyed this, I've LOVED writing this, and I can't wait to continue. I would put the rest of my story here, but I know for a fact that I usually skip over the stories that have fifty parts to them. I'll start another volume of "An Awkward Situation" to my profile as soon as I can. Thank you SO much for reading this, and I can't wait to continue!

*Sherlock Theme Song plays, inviting you to read An Awkward Situation part two as Benedict Cumberbatch models his rad cheekbones*


An Awkward Situation....(a Sherlock story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora