(16) when in rome

Start from the beginning

I waved her off, letting out an airy laugh. "No, of course not! It's Dakotas job! Besides, it's not like he's into you or anything, it's purely acting!"

"Yeah... Well congrats. You really do seem to have a thing for blondes. Hope you two are happy."

Sasha shot me a grimace, and left to go to her manager. As soon as she was out of earshot, I hit Dakota's arm.

"What the actual fuck were you thinking? Girlfriend?"

"Hey! Stop hitting me, I can't get bruised! And I'm sorry! She's not gonna stop hitting on me! And if I tell her I'm not interested she'll like, strangle me! She scares me!" He tried to defend himself.

"I swear to god Kota! If this gets out I will be the one to strangle you!"

"Okay okay! I promise! Just thank you for cooperating! It'll be practically nonexistent by Monday."

I reluctantly nodded, "It better, or you owe m-"

"Dakota! Ready on set!"

"Yeah!" He called back, then he turned to me. "Yeah, I owe you. Gotcha. Wish me luck." He winked at me, before jogging to the director.

A few minutes passed before the shooting began. Some assistants brought one of those director chairs for me, and I watched them film. Loud music played throughout the room, and the camera was focused on Dakota who had his game face on.

It was a men's cologne commercial, so everything had to appeal to men. So obviously the directors tried to make Kota seem badass. And what makes a straight guy seem even more badass? Having a hot girl.

The director had Dakota and Sasha go around the room in different cuts, having them kiss or walk around the room all suggestively. I thought it was kind of awkward, but everyone around me seemed fine.

After they had finished that scene, they had Sasha leave. After Sasha left the room, Kota let out a loud whoop, which earned him a sharp glare from Sasha's manager.

They got ready for the next scene, so Dakota found his way back to me. As he walked towards me, I noticed something in his hand. "Is that a cigarette?" I wrinkled my nose at him.

He held up the cigarette. "Nah, it's fake. I don't smoke."

"Awesome, I hate smoking." I wrinkled my nose thinking about my dad smoking cigars, and Parker taking a smoke when he was stressed. It was a terrible habit.

"The fake smoke makes me look badass. They wanted to do it for the scene. Besides, I can get so many girls with it."

I scoffed at his douchey sentence. I sometimes forgot how everyone else saw Kota as the douchey one of the group, the playboy. "Wow, you're so charming." I said dryly.

"That's how I get 'em." He winked at me.

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