1. Better Days, New Beginnings

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"Oh my God, hurry up or we're never gonna get there!" I said frustratedly at my boyfriend and his best friend, who were currently playing video games when we had negative time to spare. The two boys, Scott Sire and Todd Smith, looked at each other before pausing their game. Scott stood up and walked over to me.

"Relax would you? We're gonna get there in plenty of time." He said, planting a kiss to my forehead.

"We promised Elton and Zane we would have dinner with them, not a midnight snack" I said. It was already after lunch and it would take us about five hours to drive to San Francisco from where we were in L.A.

"Todd and I haven't played video games together in months" Scott joked as I rolled my eyes.

"Elton and I haven't seen each other in months. We've been planning this trip since Christmas and you two, like the rest of us, have been on summer break for two weeks now. He could have been here two weeks ago to play xBox with you" I said, my arms folded firmly.

"Fine, we'll shut it off" Scott gave in. I smiled triumphantly at my success before heading back to our bedroom in the small one-bedroom apartment we had moved into not long after living here. I double checked I had everything I needed before meeting the two boys in the living room. The TV and xBox were both off and they were both looking at me.

"Shall we?" I asked as they shrugged.

"Better late than never" Scott said as I rolled my eyes and snaked my arm around his waist.

"Yeah, let's get this road trip over and done with" Todd said.

"I thought you liked them" I said, meaning road trips.

"When I'm not in the backseat of the lovebird's car" Todd said with a grin as I rolled my eyes and Scott bit back a laugh.

"Yeah, let's get this over and done with. We all know Todd wants to see David" Scott joked as I bit back a laugh and Todd flipped him off.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. It's Alissa's fault, she made us both go to prom. I liked being a moody bastard and David was freshly dumped but then we went to prom together" He said.

"Oh God, it sounds like you guys are dating" Scott said, making me laugh again. This time nothing could be done to hold it back and Todd rolled his eyes at the two of us.

"Whatever, let's go" He said and we nodded, the three of us heading towards the car.

I can't believe I had already finished my first year of college, or that Scott and I had been dating for a year.

I definitely couldn't believe I was living with Scott Sire in California, that one still made no sense to me sometimes.

But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Right now it was June. I was turning nineteen this weekend and Elton was almost there too, hir birthday being at the start of July. But this weekend we were celebrating me. Everyone had taken the week off work in order to spend time together and we had (well I had) promised Zane and Elton we'd be there Thursday night for dinner. But the boys, being boys, were still playing video games at the time we should have left so now I was nervous in the passenger's seat, Scott was erratically driving while simultaneously calming me down in the driver's seat and Todd was uncomfortably napping across the entire back seat.

And that's how we stayed for four and a half hours.

Until finally the moment came where we arrived at the flat Zane and Elton lived in with another couple, Hannah and Ella.

Yes, you read that correctly. My two gay best friends lived with a lesbian couple and the balance couldn't be more perfect.

"Oi dickhead, wake up" Scott said, reaching over and hitting Todd who groaned and grumbled.

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