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Chapter 17

Tobias and I play several more rounds of Candor or Dauntless while we eat, drink, and mingle with all our friends, old and new. I notice that Nathan and Abigail seem much taken with each other. I overheard him ask if he could walk her home, and they left about 15 minutes ago. Callen even appeared to be pleased for his Dad. I know it's the first time I've seen him with anyone since Dru's execution. Everyone gets to know more about Trevor and Stefan through the Candor questions they answer, neither one taking a dare all evening. They both seem quite smitten with Kirsten and Ella and exchange chaste kisses throughout the night. We also got to know Callen and Avery's friends, too. I really like Afton and her bubbly personality but it was hard to get to know Murphy or Galen because more times than not they had their tongues shoved down each other's throats. As for Rhys he kept to himself and only spoke to Callen or Galen in the rare moments he wasn't making out with Murphy. I found myself on multiple occasions hoping the three of them join a different faction come Monday.

Every time it's Zeke's turn to pick someone, he chooses Tobias, asking increasingly intrusive questions about our sex life, and if he doesn't stop, one, Tobias is going to be down to his underwear and, two, Tobias is going to throw Zeke in the chasm. Nothing seems to be off limits; he's asked about places, frequency, duration. And if Tobias tries to throw him by saying Dauntless, he just dares him to answer a question. He hasn't cracked a single joke since the one about us 'doing it in public' but I think all the questions he's asking are much worse. Part of me wants to stand up and say, "Yes, he caught us having sex in the fear landscape room," but then I'd never be able to bring myself to look at any of these people ever again.

The highlights of the night so far were when Christina dared James to bark like a dog every time someone said his name for the rest of the night, which he begrudgingly agreed to. It still amazes me how often his name gets worked into the conversation. One would think he would have learned his lesson with the chicken impersonation at the last Candor or Dauntless party and just take something off but no; Ciara dared me to go to the Pit and ask five random people to rub my belly. I didn't think it would be too bad but it actually was kind of creepy. I told her that she was going to get payback when the time comes; Kirsten dared Zeke to put a strapless dress and full makeup on and greet people in the Pit for five minutes. I've never seen so many photos taken in my life. Random people were getting their pictures taken with him. My stomach hurt so bad from laughing; Uriah had Hana dance the robot in the Pit, and we were all surprised at how good she was; Afton dared Avery to go to the Pit and play air guitar and dance to the song Oh Pretty Woman by someone named Roy Orbison that Afton played on her phone. It was epic. She got a deafening round of applause and calls for an encore; Ciara dared Will to shake a strangers hand and refuse to let go. After a couple minutes the girl reared back and punched him in the eye. We all should have seen that coming; Shauna dared Zeke to repeat everything that Uriah said for two rounds. I was practically on the ground rolling it was so funny. Uriah was very self-deprecating to get a laugh. I choked and orange juice came out my nose when Zeke said, "I wet my bed every night and cry like a little girl." Tobias tried to put an end to our night right then but I was having too good a time.

Before we started this round, Tobias and Will took the unpopular step of telling the dependents that they needed to go home and get some rest before their aptitude tests tomorrow morning but the rest of us are still going strong.

"Whose turn is it?" Ciara says as we're once again laughing at James barking.

"It's my turn," I say. "Uriah, Candor or." He doesn't even let me finish the sentence.

"Dauntless," he says.

"I dare you to say Candor the next time you're asked," I say. He looks at me like I've suddenly grown two heads.

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