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Chapter 16

"Since this party was my idea, I'm going first," Zeke says. He slides his eyes around the room until they land on his first victim. "Four, my man, Candor or Dauntless?" Of course he starts with Tobias but then again he always starts with him. I can only imagine what torture he has in store for my husband.

"Dauntless," Tobias says.

"I dare you to take Tris out to the middle of the Pit and make out with her for two minutes," he says. Great! He brought me into it. "This should be easy for you." Tobias looks my way and I shrug. It's not like we haven't kissed in front of people before.

"Fine," Tobias says sounding more like Four. We get off the couch and walk to the center of the Pit floor, followed by all our friends. We stand awkwardly staring at each other before I finally stand on my tiptoes and bring his mouth to mine. The kiss starts out slow and timid because we can feel eyes boring holes into us but soon the desire we feel for each other takes over and everyone and everything around us melts away. The kiss deepens, and I have to fight the urge to take things further. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip, and I open my mouth to him. He thrusts his tongue deep into my mouth to find mine eagerly waiting to play. They collide, dance, dip, and twirl as I feel his hands moving over my back drawing me as close to him as my belly will allow. I keep my fingers stitched in his hair so that I'm not tempted to try to remove his shirt, which is becoming harder by the moment.

"Oh, for crying out loud," an unfamiliar voice says from about 10-15 feet away. I can actually picture the eye roll that goes along with the sigh. "Will you two get a room?"

"Time!" Shauna yells, further breaking our spell. He slowly drags his lips from mine, and we gaze into each other's eyes while trying to catch our breath. Knowing that there are dozens of eyes on me right now makes me blush, and Tobias draws me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. He keeps an arm around me as we walk back into the auditorium.

"Good job," Zeke says, patting Tobias on the back. "Who knew you could do it in public ... make out, I mean." Every one laughs, except for Christina who I see narrow her eyes at Zeke. If he doesn't quit it, I'm going to be forced to relive my nightmare by giving her an explanation of his, in my opinion, not very funny jokes.

"Uriah, Candor or Dauntless?" Tobias asks.

"Did you honestly just ask me that, Four?" he asks with a roll of the eyes.

"Yeah, I did, pip squeak," Four says with a slightly menacing grin. Uriah's face falls.

"Don't call me that, man. You know I hate that," he says, pouting like someone just took the last slice of cake in the cafeteria. "You know my answer. Dauntless."

"I dare you to go to the Pit floor and do the hokey pokey and not just one verse either, the entire song." Everyone starts laughing.

"Alright," he says. He finishes whatever beverage he has in his hand then moves Marlene off his lap and gets up. He heads toward the door with us faithfully following close behind like little puppy dogs wanting to see the show he puts on. I notice that the Pit is more crowded than it usually is. I think the members want to see what we're up to. I watch as Marlene holds up her phone so she can tape the dare. He finds a spot where he has a little room and begins.

"You put your right foot in, you put you right foot out, you put your right foot in, and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey, and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about. Left foot," he sings as he acts out each of the movements. We all stand back and watch as some people join him while others applaud and give cat calls but everyone laughs throughout the 12 versus that Uriah sings. I had no idea there were that many. When he finishes his final hokey pokey he does a deep bow to a rousing round of applause then we all return to our seats laughing heartily along the way. I see Uriah's eyes sweeping the room looking for his victim. "Ciara, Candor or Dauntless?"

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