Chapter 5 - Confessions of a drama queen

Start from the beginning

"I'm only acting like this because you never told me!"

"You're acting like a baby!"

"You're acting like a baby!"

"You're both acting like babies." I hear Paulie come into the room.

"Shut up Paulie!" Me and Z say at the same time glaring at him and he just put his hands up in defeat. Paulie was a big man with hardly any neck. He always wore a suit but when he turned his head to the side you could see a long snake tattoo running from the back of his earlobe down his neck. He looked like a bouncer most of the time and I remember when I first met him I was terrified of him. But once I got to know him he became like a father figure to me, my brothers and Anna.

"Look Cassie, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. And frankly, I'm shocked that it took you this long to find out... How did you find out?" Dean coughed awkwardly beside me and Zandriel looked at him like it was the first time she even noticed he was here.

"that was my fault." He says awkwardly. "My dad... He got a job with.. Well with you I guess." He laughs nervously. "Anyway, Cas is the brightest kid I know so I decided to ask him about it and it sort of led to you."

"I knew you were trouble." Zandriel joked shaking her head dramatically.

"When you walked in!" Balthazar singsonged and everyone shot him a 'shut up' look. "Wow, sor-ry!" He said sassily. Zandriel looked at me sadly and I sighed in defeat.

"You promise you don't kill anyone."

"I promise. Can't say the same about Paulie though" she snickered looking at him and he just shrugged.

"Gotta do what I gotta do. Besides they're bad people who con innocent people."

"Jesus Paulie!" I groan.

"Listen Castiel, and listen good. Your sister has worked her arse of keeping this beautiful house over your heads and you better be grateful of that."

"I am..." I started saying but he cut me off.

"I said listen! When Tony died,leaving this place to your sister there was complete uproar. A girl running the whole mafia? It was unheard of but she proved herself 100%. She fought for respect off her business partners. She fought for her job and her father and you know what else? She fought for you so you guys better give you damn sister a little bit of GODAMN RESPECT." He shouted and everyone was looking at him in shock. This is the most any one of us have heard him speak due to him being a generally quiet and well collected man.

"Sorry Paulie." I mumbled unable to think of anything else to say.

"Good. Now don't you all have homework to do?" His voice had authority and finality in it as it quickly got us all moving out of the living room.


"That was... Interesting." Dean said walking into my room with me.

"Yeah. I suppose I never really thought of it that way. I always assumed she just inherited money and had it easy only calling someone now and again to go kill someone. It never hit me how much work she must actually put in."

"Don't worry about it 'Cassie'" Dean smiled cheekily. I smiled back and plopped down on my bed groaning. Dean came over and sat down on the bed with his feet dangling off the side. I sat up so I was closer to him and I could feel the warmth coming from his body. My breath hitched when he turned towards me and a little part of me thought he was going to lean in.

"I should've asked for her to fire my dad." He said sighing looking away from me. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"I don't think that's fair Dean." I say and his head snapped towards mine.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I think it would be hard to find another job and if he is working for Z he is in the safest hands. Why not just ask her to change his position to something that is a little less dangerous?"

"Hmm." He mumbled and lay back across my body. I shivered at the connection and he looked at me curiously. "You okay?" He asks and I just nod silently not wanting to open my mouth in case I say something stupid. He raises an eyebrow and smirks a bit

"What?" I ask looking at him suspiciously

"Nothing." He grins and the closes his eyes.

Dean (POV)

I could tell. The way he looked at me and talked to me. The way he shivered when I touched him and the way his breath hitched every time I went near and got close to him. The strange wonderful nerd liked me! I wasn't sure if I felt uncomfortable or if I felt like laughing. I opened my eyes and looked at the blue eyed boy who was staring at me but looked away quickly when I caught him looking. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm knackered." I say laughing slightly.

"Go to bed then." Cas said.

"What here?" I asked grinning and he just shrugged.

"Why not? You gotta speak to Zandriel anyways and it's getting quite late" I looked at my watch and saw it was only 6:30 pm. I laughed at how desperate Cas was for me to stay.

"Alright then." I say looking at him almost laughing out loud at the shocked look on his face.

"Oh. Okay then. Awesome." He stuttered getting off the bed and rummaging around in drawers looking for something.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously and he looked up at me from the floor.

"Finding you some Pyjamas" he said dumbly.

"You don't need to do that." He looked at me with confusion so I carried on. "I'll sleep in my boxers." That was just the right thing to say to see him squirm. I loved playing with him, it was so addictive.

"Oh, erm, o-okay." He stuttered blushing slightly. I smiled at him.

"So which one of the thousand rooms in the house is the spare room?" I joked. Disappointment etched across his face.

"Er it's, down the hall. I'll show you." He mumbled getting up off the floor and walking towards the door. I couldn't keep it in this time and started bursting with laughter.

"I was joking Cas. I'm sleeping in here nerd." I shook my head still laughing and lay back on his bed once again looking up at the ceiling. It had stars on it, making it look like the real night sky. The ceiling and floors of his room were the deepest black and the walls were bright blue, almost the same colour as his eyes. The big double bed which I was laid on was in the middle of the vast room with its headboard pushed to the far left wall. There was a huge window on the back wall which looked out into a spectacular garden that had a massive swimming pool and a tennis court. I would never have imagined ever being in a place like this, never mind sleeping in one.

"Dean?" I jerked my head quickly towards Cas and sat back up on the bed.


"You wanna go to my art studio?" He asked shyly and I looked at him with wonder.

"You guys have a frickin' art studio?!" I asked incredulously. He nodded and smiled sheepishly and walked out the door beckoning me to follow him.

Authors note:

A bit more destiel in this chapter! I have a really good storyline for you guys but I hope it's not too slow going. There are a bunch of twists in store so keep reading! You won't be disappointed ... Hopefully. :-)

Might do a bit of Sabriel in the next one......

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