The stripper & Harry Styles

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       The car ride back was tense and silent, In told him the adress and he dropped me off at the street in front of the apartment since the gate won't allow him to go in, he looked at the crappy place and then looked at me.  I suddenly felt embaressed.  He lived in such a big house and quiet neigiborhood, I mean I live in a crappy apartment and my neighborhood is probably the most dangerest in the city.  "Thank for the ride, and letting me over" I muttered jumping out of the car and running up the stairs up into the apartment floor.  

        I didn't look back, I didn't want to see Harry's mad face.  I don't see the point in why he is mad though, I mean it's my personal business.  I immediately went in to check on mom, I saw her as usual on the couch, drinking an alcoholic drink, she was watching some show on the tv.  "Hi mom" I said barely above a whisper, "Are you hungry?" she didn't look away from the tv, and she did ot respond either.  I sighed and went to my room.  I felt my stomach growl and I noticed I haven't eat anything today.  I kept myself from going back to the kitchen, I did not feel like eating.  I decided to shower and go to bed early.  Only since I told Harry did I really realise I have school tomorrow.  

    I grabbed cotton shorts and a random shirt that showed half of my stomach and slung off the shoulder.  I ran out and into the shower, stripping down I went into the hot water hoping I would feel better.  but

  I just did not

     I got out and changed brushing my teeth and plopped myself on my bed, I took out my phone and I felt let down.  I wished to see a new message from Harry but I did not.  I put my phone back on the nightstand and I lay ed on my back, I felt bad for not telling him the truth, but if I did he wouldn't want to talk to a girl like me.  He was the only friend I had.  

       Why do I care so much for one person? What has caring done to you? All you ever cared for hurt you.  I gritted my teeth, and forced my eyes shut trying not to think about Harry.

  All he was, was just a boy.  A normal boy.  There is no reason to care for a boy.

    I closed my eyes falling asleep dreading the next day to school.


  I walked down the halls ignoring every ones stares, today I wore black skinny Jeans and a white long sleeved top and a grey scarf, my thoughts were interrupted as I was slammed against a wall making my back ache and my head throb, I stared into a pair of dark brown eyes.  I stared with a cold face, his hand was rubbing up and down on my thigh, "What do you want." The words came out harsh and he smirked

     "Well I want you.  But I got no money on me, You can do me for free?"  my eyes didn't leave his.  "I'm not a fucking prostitute." I said barely audible but he heard it and smiled.  "But you are a stripper." I heard the people around us "look already doing her slut business and it's not even 2nd period yet" 

      "I may be a stripper Jake, but I will not do anything with the likes of you." I said, I could of said bad things, but I was too tired to think, I was mentally exaughsted.   "So you would with someone esle?" my jaw clenched and my knee went up to his groin.  He dropped to the floor in pain and I leaned down and punched him in the nose hearing a sickening crack, I brought my mouth to his ear, "Think twice before talking to me" I whispered and smiled sweetly hoisting myself up and walking away feeling no regret.

      God this is going to be a long day.

    ~~Harry's P.O.V.

     I'm so stupid.  I shouldn't have gotten mad, it's her personal life and I just met her did I really think she would spill everything that has happened to her right away? I couldn't  take the hurt expression on her face when she left last night.  I sighed as I sat on the couch with my head in my hands.   "You look let down, what's wrong?" I heard Niall come, he sat next to me but did not say anything else waiting for me to reply.

    "I screwed up, she probably thinks im a jerk" I heard Niall chewing on something, 

of course.

   "Who Angela? Forget her man." I heard him say, I ddn't understand why he was acing like this.

  he was the sweetest one in the group and he had so  much hate towards her. "What's your problem?" I asked sitting up straight now.  He shrugged "She's just a stripper you found at the club Harry, She's probably been with a bunch of guys and just left after she got what she wanted, like a girl player." I clenched my jaw and looked at him in the eyes, "You don't know her" I said through clenched teeth, he sat up and looked down at me,

  "Neither do you."


yay! I posted the chapter! I'm not really sure about this chapter but oh well! hope you enjoyed ! 

I'm loving the feedback I'm getting! please keep going! I want atleast 5 comments on this chapter, can you guys do that for me? or to make me really happy how about 15 comments? or 15 votes? (:

-Angela on the right ! haha(: 

Hmm what do you think Harry should do? Should he follow what Niall said, or should he suck it up and apologize? (; 

  I will upload the next chapter tomorrow, (:

vote! comment! & fan! (: 

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