Chapter 11

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The next morning Stiles told the pack about his phone call with Irene and the possible threat heading their way. He hadn't been surprised when they all offered to help, the pack had always been willing to protect others, no matter the danger. 

He was also aware that they had a huge advantage in this situation. Stiles was pretty sure Black Fox and his men weren't aware of the supernatural and so their weapons wouldn't be fatal to almost two-thirds of the pack, something that would be useful seeing as the guy seemed to have built himself a small army and they would need the numbers to defend themselves against him.

Parrish had grabbed him the file Irene sent over and brought it round when his shift ended in the early hours of the morning after Stiles had texted him to let him know it was there, but he hadn't been able to link him to any bigger plans yet and was getting increasingly frustrated by it. Black Fox was smart and he would need to be clever in order to bring him down. It was unlikely that he would attack without the protection of all his men, allowing Stiles ample time to plan how to get around that flaw and work out when he arrived in town.

Chris and Deaton both turned up at the house around 10, both having been unable to come up the day before and filled in on everything that had happened. Therefore Stiles wasn't surprised when Chris asked to talk with him alone.

"Sure." Had been his response and they had made there way out to a table that sat at the end of the garden, knowing they were out of earshot of the wolves.

"So what did you want to know?" Stiles asked, looking at Chris expectantly.

"The name you have been going by the past few years," Chris stated bluntly.

"Mitch Rapp," Stiles replied, smirking at the obvious surprise on the man's face.

"You're  Mitch Rapp?" He questioned, incredulous.

"The one and only."

"But you're-"

"I know. The best assassin in America. How have you heard of me?"

"I have some friends CIA. I often supply them with firearms and I've heard your name mentioned a couple of times." Chris said, still looking shocked at the revelation, "For what it's worth, I'm sorry about Katrina. I know her death changed you but you're still a good man Stiles, despite what others say or think at the moment. I understand your reasons for doing what you do and I'm proud that you're still on the right side of things, despite it all."

Stiles couldn't help but look away as the older man was talking, looking out over the garden his mother first planted all those years ago as he thought of everything that had happened in such a short amount of time.

"Thanks. Me doing this, stopping people who need to be stopped, despite how it's viewed, is one of the few things I've done that I don't regret. Katrina's death made me who I am and I'm not going to apologise for the fact I changed. The only thing I regret is having brought my world here. I've put all of you in danger by knowing me and I hate that that has happened. I need you to promise me, Chris, no matter what happens to me you'll protect the others."

"I can't promise you that Stiles. They've just got you back, I can't just leave you to die." The man stated, looking more serious than Stiles had seen him.

"Then don't. Just promise me, if something goes wrong that you'll get the others out first. I know what I'm doing, this kind of thing is my life now, but it's not theirs, and no matter how many threats they face, it's never going to be the same."

"If I agree you have to promise me something." Chris compromised, Stiles finding himself smile at the man's concern.


"You promise me that you're not going to die. You dying hurt the pack but we were healing. You dying after we just found out you were alive would kill them and I don't want to have to deal with the backlash. Promise me, no matter what happens, you'll get yourself out alive as well."

"I promise." Stiles agreed, for the first time in years deciding this was an order he would follow to the best of his ability.

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