8- Meet The First Time We Said Goodbye

Start from the beginning

“We should go back, everyone must be waiting for us already,” I hated to hear those words because I needed much more alone time with him but he was right, we had to head back to the house.

We commuted in silence for a while but then something caught my attention, “Are those orange trees over there?” I asked, way too excited.

“Yes. Do you like oranges?”

“I do,” I laughed, “My grandfather’s neighbor had an orange tree when I was a kid. I remember I used to sneak into his yard after lunch to go grab a few.”

“Punk,” he joked.

“I took a bag with me every time I went there and I used to sell them to an old lady who lived near by my house. I was trying to save money to buy a mic,” it had been so long since the last time I remembered that story.

Niall was smiling so wide and seemed to be so interested in what I was saying, “How old were you back then?”

“Um, I’m not so sure, around ten maybe or even younger,” he laughed again and I continued my story, “I got caught during the third time I was doing it so the man built a wall right after. My grandpa was so mad at me.”

“Aw,” he made a weird sound and then his face got super red again, “Sorry,” he quickly excused himself.

“What are you sorry for?”

“I make those noises a lot, it’s Hannah’s fault. I hang out with her way too much.”

“There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s cute actually,” I enjoyed his expression more than I should have, “Let’s go grab an orange. For old times’ sake.”

“Wait,” he coughed, “I’m trying to get over the fact that you just called me cute.”

“I said the noise was cute,” I teased him without checking on his reaction and I went ahead to get closer to the orange trees, “But you are though. Cute.”

I wanted to look at him but I decided not to because trying to resist him was getting harder and harder and I wasn’t sure I could put up with it any longer. I managed to grab the best looking orange for him and another one for me, “Do you want one?”

“Sure,” he got closer, “My dad would be proud if he sees me eating a fruit.”

“You should. They are good for you,” I have no idea where that stupid comment came from.

“You sound like my mom.”

“But it’s true,” once I was finished pealing the fruit, I passed it to him, “Be careful with the seeds. A tree will grow inside your stomach if you swallow them.”

“What the hell?” he laughed.

“It’s true, my mom used to say that,” I admit it, I was trying to play the prince charming role, “This tastes so sweet, it’s unbelievable.”

“I know,” his whole face was covered with orange and that made him look adorable, “If you stay a little longer, I might get used to eat fruits as snack.”

“I’d be very proud.”

A helicopter sound interrupted our special moment. It landed in the direction where we came from, near by his uncle’s house, “Annoying,” he grunted, “That would be Uncle James’ wife, Adriana. She uses the helicopter to go to the city, who does that?”

“Well, apparently Aunt Adriana does,” I laughed at my own joke even before I finished the sentence and so did Niall; he even hiccupped while he was laughing.

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