Fifteen - Kitchen Confessions

Start from the beginning

I nodded. "Yup, that's definitely the one. You look gorgeous in it," I complimented. "Now, let's find my dress."

She went back into the dressing room and when she came back out she was in her regular clothes holding the dress in her arms.

"Actually, the blue one I tried on would look really good on you. Try it on." Kaitlin shoved me into the dressing room and shut the door behind me before I could have a chance to protest.

I rested my hands on my hips and huffed. Glancing around the small changing room, I spotted the navy blue dress resting on the small bench that was in here. I quickly undressed and pulled it over my body. One look in the mirror and I knew that I'd found the dress I would wear the Kait's 21st birthday party.

The navy blue went well with my skin tone and light blonde hair. It wasn't too extravagant but not extremely simple and basic, either. It was perfect for me.

"Let me see it!" Kaitlin shouted from the other side of the door.

I stepped out of the changing room to where she was waiting. Spinning around in a circle to give her a full few of the dress, Kaitlin squealed in excitement.

"Yes, yes yes yes yes! You're getting this one!" she exclaimed.

"Planning on it." I smiled and went back into the dressing room to take it off.

"But seriously, Crystal, it looks absolutely perfect on you. Who knows? You may outshine me at my own party," she said, causing me to laugh.

"Not possible, but thank you," I said.

When I had changed back into my shorts and t-shirt, we purchased the dresses—which cost each of us about $70—and exited the store with dress bags on our arms.

"Do we need to get anything else?" I asked Kaitlin as we walked in a random direction.

She thought for a second. "Ummm, we still need to get shoes and accessories," I groaned. I liked shopping but I wasn't in the mood for it today. "Buuut, I know you're tired and moody so we can get that later this week."

I sighed in relief. Finally I get to go home and relax. Kait and I had been out all day, and I was ready to take off my shoes and take a nap. We began heading towards the exit that lead to the main parking lot where her car was parked.

"You should invite Justin." Kait broke the silence.

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"I think you should invite Justin to my party," Kaitlin clarified.

"Why? He barely knows you and you've only met once."

"I don't know. How many people get to say that Justin Bieber went to their birthday party? And besides, I'm sure he'd love to see you in that dress," She smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "What makes you think he'd want to come?"

"He loves parties, duh," she said, as if I should've known this. "Invite him."

"I'll talk to him about it later."

When we got to her car, we hung the bags up on the hooks in the back seat and headed back to our apartments. We didn't speak on the car ride back, although there was plenty to talk about. I knew she could sense that I wasn't in the mood to talk. It had been a long day and my pillow and blanket sounded so good right now.

15 minutes later, I was finally back inside my apartment. Shutting the door behind me and locking it, I flicked the lights on, illuminating the living room in an orange glow; which is not good selfie lighting, by the way. I headed straight towards my bedroom closet to hang my dress up, and collapsed on my bed soon after.

One Night • j.bWhere stories live. Discover now