A Walk Through On: How To Live At A Dragon Ranch

Start from the beginning

"Whoa! Did she forget her name too?" said the same little boy from before. "That's a bummer."

"Oh.. how awful!" said Abby, clasping her hands to her mouth. "To not even have a name to remember..  do you at least remember any family? Or home nearby?"

"I have no home.." I said stiffly, remembering my foreclosed apartment and very distant family. "Nor do I have family. I don't think I ever did."

"In that case.. I recommend you stay here." said Abby. "we can care for you here. It's not much, but we have food, water and shelter.."

I thought about this.. a good RPG adventurer wouldn't stay in one place.. he'd plow on.. getting stronger, leveling up..

But.. in Real Life that would be so much more of a chore. Plus Sister Abby's cooking was amazing. Perhaps I should just relax here, enjoy the fact I managed to escape dealing with hunting for apartments I couldn't afford and a dead end job that probably thought me dispensable.  And anyways, maybe I could do something to help out around here.. I did seem to be close to the oldest kid here..

And honestly.. considering my mom never made a home cooked meal for me before.. I had to admit.. privately.. I liked having somebody care for me enough to cook me something..

"Okay.." I said. "I guess.. I can live here.."

Abby smiled and nodded.

"Seriously though! We need to get her some new clothes!" said the little boy.

"Well I suppose you can't just walk around in your pajamas.." said Abby. "Especially ones too big.. and you do need a name.. hmm.. "

I shrugged. "Feel free to come up with something... preferably something that doesn't make me giggle every time I say it.."

Yes.. first rule of playing an mmorpg  (Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). If you don't want to feel endless regret... don't give your character a joke name unless you've got a Non Joke Character already saved somewhere with a good name...  Trust me, you might not take my advice now.. but I know numerous Monster Hunter Players who are agonizing over the fact that the game doesn't have the ability to change your character's name (and most games don't.. weirdly enough).

"Hmmmm.. How about.. Mira? She was a nun who used to work here.." said the little girl, leaning over the back of the bench behind me. And Franklin.. cause you're at the orphanage with Sister Abby now!"

"Mira Franklin.. hmm.. it'll work for now." I said, deciding that this was better than people wondering why a weird girl was named Steven.

Abby blushed a little. "My name? Hmm.. well.."

"Come on Ms. Abby!" said the boy. "It'll be like you're sisters right?"

Abby smiled. "Well I guess.. I've never had a sister before, this can be nice.. and a little sister at that.."

I almost said "I'm actually about the same age." but that would probably make her laugh at me.

Abby handed me some folded clothes, which consisted of a black blouse with a white stripe going down the middle. Nice clothes which could be taken for normal street clothes back in our world at least. "The church has a communal bath in the door to the back.. we take turns using it.. so please don't take too long.. "

"Right.. thanks." I said as I swallowed the last of my food and took the clothes.

I went inside the bath area.. and immediately I could see why people took turns with it. It was pretty small.. only one tub with about room enough for at most 2 kids. It looked like an ordinary bathroom overall.. well at least the plumbing and hot water seemed to work.

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