Chapter 2: Great Day To Remember

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Angel's POV:

The drive to my new school was suffering. Mama kept going on bout my daydreaming, meanwhile the thoughts in my head raced with wonders of what my new school will be like. New kid treatment? Obviously. And a LOT of white kids. I'm not prejudice or racist towards white people. There was white people at my old school, but I will be the only black person at this school so I will very uncomfortable. Its PWI so yeah I really don't wanna be the new attraction of the month.

This new school is NOT something I wanna go to. I'd probably get a lot of stares, have rumors that aren't even true going around, get hated on, even though I'm used to it. But the one thing I don't want to hear about me is the N word because that will set me off. I don't want to get suspended on my first day but I will fight if I have to defend myself.

As I was still thinking of all the things that could happen, we pulled up into the most beautiful, most prestigious high school I've ever seen. So this is it? My new school: Broadfront High.

A school where upper and middle class people go to. Kinda reminds me of private schools. But this was wayyy bigger. And better. My mama pulled up and cut the car off. "Now Angel, this is a whole new life and territory for us both. I want you to make the best of it here, ok? That scholarship you got? You earned it baby girl. I knew you would do it. I knew my baby was smart." I smiled at her and looked down at my scholarship.

All glittery and gold and white. Angel Starlight, is hereby granted a full scholarship to attend Broadfront High, the prestigious school in all of California. I remember the day the headmaster of the school gave me this. "Excuse me." said a soft voice. The class looked up from they're tests to see brunette lady in a black blazer and black office skirt. Hair pulled back tight in a neat bun. She looked like she was going to a meeting.

"Yes may I help you?" said my teacher Mr. Thomas. "I'm looking for a miss Angel Starlight? The principal said she be in this classroom." she said in a brave voice. The whole class turned to me. "Well damn, just give me up why don't ya", I thought to myself. "Yes Angel, please raise your hand." I slowly raised my hand, feeling nervous with all eyes on me. "Ye-yes? I'm An-Angel Starlight. Can I help you with something?" I asked nervously. She stared at me for a few seconds before answering. I could see a hint of excitement in her eyes.

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