English Winter Camp 2015

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English Winter Camp 2015
February 14, 2015

Winter Camp has been a great experience. I was assigned to teach Expression. To be honest, deep in my heart I wanna teach Grammar or Writing. Teaching Grammar is a very challenging thing to do. I know it's a bit hard to teach it but nothing is fulfilling when your students learn a  lot from you. To students, Grammar is a hard, tiring, and boring subject.  I wanna show to them that it's fun learning Grammar. I wanna help them. You know, I'm a serious kind of teacher, but I am fun to be with. Please ask my former students! Ahahaha! On the other hand, writing subjects is fun too. I always love to write ever since and I want them to love it too. By writing, they can enhance their English. They can learn how to construct good sentences. Of course, they must READ, READ, READ! I admit my English has improved through reading, writing, and chatting with foreigners especially English-speaking people like Americans. I'm not used to talking to foreigners personally. I'm not destined to communicate with them! Ahahaha! So I decided to read and write whatever was on my mind. Honestly, I'm a silent type of person so hail myself as an occasional talkative! I speak to my diary most of the time, the notebook and pen are my best friends! They are always there when I'm sad, depressed, stressed, and upset. It's my way of letting my feelings out and it makes me feel better. Teaching Expression is fun too, it has Grammar, Writing, Reading, and Listening in the easiest way, like a review! I learned to embrace it for a month!

Before the camp started, I promised myself not to get attached to my new students, and guess what? I didn't! Of course, I like them very much. In fact, I had a hard time choosing my favorite student. Ahahaha! I don't why! I guess, having a favorite is not that important. What's more important is their learning from me. I hope I was an effective teacher to them! Speaking of "getting attached" I don't want to feel that because it's really hard to say goodbye to them. I've had enough with my former students last Summer Camp. The night when they left for South Korea was a very heart-wrenching moment. I cried a Han River before! So this Winter Camp, I tried to avoid getting very very close to them. Though at our last, I was teary-eyed! Of course, I'm an emotional orangutan, opppsss girl I mean. But I haven't experienced again crying my heart out! Yes, I missed them so bad right now even if we only had a short time spent in the camp. One month is good enough to love my students! I love all of them!

Most of my students in the Winter Camp are sweet and thoughtful. That's the main reason why it broke my heart when they left. My girls cried a lot on Graduation Day, they were so emotional. I didn't cry that time because I swear to myself not to cry in front of them but seeing them crying, hurts me a lot. It's funny and sad to think that they were happy studying with their teachers during class time but when it comes to saying goodbye they were so weak. Of course, they are still young! They tend to get close to us easily so it's also hard for them to say goodbye!

At this camp I have my so-called baby, I want him to be my son. I'm so in love with him. His name is Oh Seo Jun aka Alvin. Until now I'm so fond of him. I don't have his Kakaotalk and I don't have it either. It's really sad! :'( He is just 10 years old (Philippine age) so I guess he hasn't been exposed to it yet. The only thing I can do is to reminisce about my time with him in the camp. I can still clearly hear his voice and the way he laughs. His smile is contagious. I can still remember how he looked at me when he was teasing me. Sad to say, he doesn't like studying! I always forced him to do so but he cooperated sometimes. I often pinched his cheeks because he is super cute. Gosh, I'm so in love with him. I missed him! TT_TT

Today, it has been a week since they went back to South Korea. I know some of them still long for their teachers here and I also know they can move on as time passes by. The worst is, they are going to forget their teachers as they age up! Well, that's reality!

I wanna talk about my loving students here, will you allow me to? Of course, okay! :P

Su Min aka Sally P. is my first class. She's a studious student. I was so worried and concerned about her because she easily gets sick like having a stomachache. She is a sweet girl and I love talking to her. One thing I can't forget about her is when I gave her a 'thank-you letter' and I was touched because she put it in her wallet after reading it! How sweet is that? Oh gosh, I missed talking to "talkative" Sally P.

Jun Young aka Ludy is my second class. He's a silent student but a smart one. I dunno if he is shy or doesn't want to talk to me. Well, his English is good. One thing I can't forget about him is the day when he talked to me for the first time after studying. His voice filled the room which made other teachers stare at us. Oh gosh, I missed "Great Grandfather" Ludy! Ahahaha! Well, he is a handsome great-grandfather!

Si Eun aka Lucia is my third class. She is the most playful student in the camp. The class isn't normal when she is silent. Ahahaha! You have to know that she always makes me happy. The class is fun with her. Of course, we study and after that, we play like teasing each other. Don't underestimate her because she's really a fast-learner student and she interacts well. A talkative one! I guess having fun is her way to learn easily. Bet, that is her strategy. The thing that makes her silent in my class is when I don't smile or even laugh with her. She's such a cutie!! There was a time when she came to my cubicle smiling and I just nodded at her and then she asked, "Teacher Jul, why do you not smile? Are you sad? Are you mad?" Gosh, she's very sensitive as well. She's super sweet! I can't forget how she plays with me. That sudden touch of my face (she likes touching my face) ahahaha. Those consecutive times when she puts her face closer to mine then we laugh together. She's like my little sister. One thing I can't forget about her is her thoughtfulness and she's neither selfish nor greedy, she always shares what she has. She's a good kid! Oh gosh, I missed "Princess" Lucia. Yes, she is a princess to me. I sometimes call her baby.

Yoo Na aka Lucy is my fourth class. She is a very studious and diligent student. She likes asking questions. She is very sweet as well. I can't forget how talkative she was as the days passed by. She became comfortable talking with me. One thing I can't forget about her is the time when she recorded our conversation using her electronic dictionary. She said she was going to listen to our voices. Oh gosh, I missed "Witty/Clever" Yoona!

Seo Jun aka Alvin is my fifth class. He is very lazy in studying. He said he doesn't know English, well what's the purpose of joining the camp then? Oh, Alvin!! He is very talkative. He likes to talk, talk and talk! But I ended up teaching him every day even if he didn't like it. He's good! Everyone knows he is. You know what? He is so sweet. Then he likes hugging his Korean teacher. And I was fond of hugging him as well. One thing I can't forget about him is his very unique way of reading words he doesn't know how to read/pronounce. If he says those special words it means he's having a hard time reading that specific word. Oh gosh, I missed my "Baby Son" Alvin!

Jung Min aka Ellison is my sixth class. She is a student who has improved a lot. Well, she can understand things easily now unlike before. She is not that talkative but she is smiling. She respected all her teachers. I know and I'm glad that she helped herself by studying very hard. One thing I can't forget about her is her smile, it seems she is always happy when you see her. Oh gosh, I missed "Smiling" Ellison.

Kyeong Hyeon aka John is my seventh class. I always liked our class, because he's a very smart and hard-working student. He likes to sing.  There was a time when we sang Nun Ko Ip by Taeyang; What's Happening by B1A4 and Genie by SNSD in the class. He has a nice voice, no kidding. He always gets perfect in our activities. See? He's very smart! After studying we play games to avoid boredom! Ahahaha! He's the friendliest student in the camp. One thing, I can't forget about him is his reaction when he received my letter for him and the presents.  I was touched by how he gave value to it. He was close to tears that time. We were so close and it hurt me when he left! Oh gosh, I missed "Lover Boy" John. Ahahaha!

Ju Yeong aka Stella is my last class. She is a fast learner and a studious student. She is silent in my class just like her cousin Ludy. I dunno what's with them. Maybe they are like that during class time. But they are so obedient and diligent. Anyways, I like how she draws. She's good at drawing. I like how she answers questions completely. I don't have a problem with her because she is smart and can speak English confidently. One thing I can't forget about her is her creativity. She can draw things impressively and spontaneously. Oh gosh, I missed "Chocolate Artist" Stella!

I had fun with this camp especially when I befriended the Korean staff/teacher Hong Soo Jin aka Sophia. She is super friendly, pretty, and kind. I'm so lucky that I met her. She's the first Korean staff that I befriended. Last Summer Camp I got no one. Oh wait, Sam-ssaem and I were friends but we didn't talk that much, unlike Sophia. She's fond of talking to Filipino teachers. I like how confident she is. It makes her stand out! Whenever I used the shampoo she gave to me, I couldn't help but remember her! (:

They will never be forgotten!

Yuchae Moon

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