Unrequited Love

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Unrequited Love
January 26, 2015

I love someone but he can't love me back. The reason is obvious and it hurts me a lot. All my life I've been unloved by the person I loved. You know I get used to it! The pain is bearable now. I learned that committing to a relationship isn't necessary. No matter how you love someone, you need to know your role. The most important one is to never force him to love you back. If he wants to ignore/leave you, let it be! Enjoy your life in your way without depending on that man!

On the other side, you can't avoid the fact that getting hurt is part of loving! Loving someone might be complicated! But when you know how to accept failure then you'll be happy. And if you don't know how to accept failure, then you're going to live your whole life imprisoned. Imprison by the unrequited love.

So what do you think is the best way to do it? For me, I don't expect anything in return. I never let myself assume that he loves me back because I know by myself the real meaning of his actions. He may be sweet, caring, loving, and happy with me, but all he did was just part of our friendship. Just like any other friend would do the same to me! So NEVER GIVE MEANING UNLESS HE JUSTIFIES IT!

Yuchae Moon

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