Having a Crush on a Teacher

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Liking a Teacher
November 14, 2013

Have you ever experienced having a crush on a teacher?
Have you ever experienced staring at him in class?
Have you ever experienced the feeling every time you look at him?
Have you ever experienced being teased by your classmate in front of him?

It is not easy having a crush on your teacher. You will be conscious in class and will try to behave to avoid being noticed you like him. Then there is this feeling of wanting him to be your boyfriend. However, a sad fact strikes you, "IT IS PROHIBITED OR AN UNACCEPTABLE ACT TO HAVE A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP TO YOUR TEACHER/STUDENT." Well, that is not a big problem!

Why not just like him secretly? It is better than making him your boyfriend. Why not just face your classmate teasing you at him? Obviously, you just can't keep it to yourself that you like him. You have to tell your close friends because it is really hard if you just keep it to yourself and don't have someone to talk to about him. Girls usually can't keep their mouths shut. They are not good at keeping their feelings. What if your friends spread your secret? Well, that is normal, they can't shut their mouth as well and you can't avoid that one. Surely, you will have to deal with their teasing and evil acts the whole semester while you are burning with happy humiliation.

I guess your teacher will notice you in time. If he likes you, he will entertain you. If he doesn't feel even a bit of liking you back, well, unlucky you! The worst is he will ignore you and will realize that you are not his type.

What will happen to your world? If you know that you are not his type and that he has a girlfriend already, that he loves her to death, that he is so damn faithful to her, and for that, he has to ignore you face to face? It is hard on his part as well, you are his student! It is clearly stated that you don't have to bring any personal hatred or personal disturbance in class towards your students.

Okay, let's put some twists. Let's assume that there are great advantages to having a crush on your teacher as well. Let's be positive to have a peaceful life. First and foremost, you will have inspiration. Every day you have this excitement that it feels like it is your first day at school. You will try to be the top student in your class. Then, you will pay more attention whenever it is his class than your other subjects. Pssst! Beware! Be careful! You might be drooling in front of him while he is discussing. Warn you! Second, since he is your inspiration, you will be 100% present in every class. You will be more active in class participation. You will try to study very hard not just during exam week but relatively every day. You will learn the importance of doing research and of advanced studying with his discussion/topic for the next meeting. Most importantly, you will get every bit of a chance just to impress him! For him to notice you, for him to be proud of you, for him to recognize you as his #1 student and for him to appreciate your flaming dedication and determination to learn from his subject. At the end of the semester, you will get great grades not just for his subject but also for your other subjects. You must be also good and study hard to surpass them.

Let's go to your teacher's part. If he senses that you like him, he will try his best to be a good teacher not just to you but to your classmates and all of his students as well. He will be inspired too. He will take the chance to make his students learn from his subject, of course, it is because of you. A good and effective teacher knows how to handle things beyond his control like this situation. He might be pretending that he doesn't notice you like him. He will watch his every move. He will try to say good things to avoid hurting your feelings. Most especially, he will be grateful to you for being a good student. Though he didn't entertain your feelings at least he did what should be done. He will encourage you to study hard. Know what you should do? Don't expect something or assume that he likes you too.

Here we go again. What if it will lead you to distraction? You will be distracted if you notice he is being so cold to you. What if he asks you to stop your bullshit feelings, crap drama personally? There is no single damn chance that he will like you back. What are you going to do? Well, tell him that you are not after what he feels. That it is okay with you if your feelings are not reciprocated. That it is okay with you to have him as your crush and inspiration only. Besides, there is nothing wrong with that. Provided you are not stepping on anyone's toe. But what if he does not let you? Who the heck is he? He should be glad you like him, of all his students, of all the teachers, it is him your heart abnormally beats. Well, that is life. You must be prepared to get rejected.

On the other hand, don't be afraid that you will get bad grades because he doesn't like you. If you are doing good in class, then he has no reason to fail you. He must not take it personally. You are a human and he is as well. It is just that Cupid accidentally hits the wrong person. Wrong person? Well, not exactly! Perhaps things are not bound to happen just exactly what you want.

Everything happens for a reason. Everything has its definite purpose. Just be glad you experienced that kind of situation. Take it as your guide. The next time you will know what to do if ever you encounter the same thing. Embrace it heartily. Take and accept things positively.

Every teacher has his way of handling or dealing with unavoidable situations like this. Lucky you if he has a good heart and intentions. He will help you build your future and he will start making a strong foundation. What if he has a bad heart and has wicked plans for you? Warn you, girl, you better stop. Obviously, you will know right away if he is bad or good through his actions or even in his personality. You will exactly find out if he is pretending or not. You have your mind to distinguish what is right from wrong. Intuition is powerful. If you feel it will just lead you to harm, then better stop it. There is no reason to go on if it just destroys your future. You don't know what awaits you at the end if you still force yourself to do the things you like but won't make you happy. Please don't exchange your future for a temporary feeling.

There are many great, good, and bad possibilities upon investing your feelings towards your teacher. Be smart enough to face that thing. Be educated enough not to make yourself a fool.

Yuchae Moon

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