41. I'd watch my back if I were you

Start from the beginning

Hayden looks doubtfully at me. "Not likely, she'll be gunning for you first chance she gets."

I shrug, really not all that fazed. "She's tried to kill me before. I've never actually thought of her as someone to trust. She does whatever benefits her. And she doesn't like people getting her way."

"And you've gotten in her way," Hayden tells me. He shakes his head. "I can only put her off so long."

I shrug again. "I don't care if you do or don't. I'll deal with Lydia when the time comes." I pull the gold dagger from my boot. "In the meantime though, give her this." I hold it out to him and he takes it cautiously. "A deal's a deal. Plus I figure it'll keep her from coming after me right away."

It's Hayden's turn to shrug. "Maybe, maybe not. I'd still watch my back."

"I'm used to looking over my shoulder. Nothing's changed." I nod toward the elevators and he starts walking with me. "You should get out of here before Zero spots you. He won't be happy to see me with a Vendetta member."

Hayden lets out a snort. "You are a Vendetta member," He tells me.

I shake my head. "Not anymore I'm not. I'm out. Lydia can threaten me with whatever she wants but I'm done. It's over for me. I've got too much to deal with now."

Hayden doesn't say anything for a while. "Alright," He says finally. "I guess I'll see you when I see you then." He looks at me thoughtfully for a moment. "Whatever happened to the black dagger?"

I shake my head. "Garrett must have hidden it somewhere where it wouldn't be found. I didn't find it and I stayed behind for a while looking throughout the base. As far as I'm concerned, it can stay lost."

Hayden nods as the elevator comes to a stop and we step out. He turns to me. "Thanks," He says.

I frown at him in confusion. "Thanks? For what?"

"For keeping your promise," He replies. "For keeping Cody out of this mess."

I nod. "I never had any reason to tell him about the daggers. I never intended to."

"Would you have though? If he stuck around a while longer?"

I pause as I think over the answer. "I wouldn't have wanted to, but since it would have become a problem, yes. I would have told him eventually."

He nods. "What's happening with Garrett?" He asks me.

"Going to be locked up never to see the light of day again. He's no longer a problem."

"One thing to look forward to," He says. "I'll see you later." He waves over his shoulder, walking away.

"Hopefully not anytime soon," I tell him with a smile. "Take care of yourself, Soldier."

He smiles back at me. "You too, Daggers," He replies, his face suddenly turns serious. "You let me know what happens with Moth."

I nod. "I will. If he comes around I'll have him call you himself."

Hayden shakes his head. "When. Not if. He's one tough son of a bitch. He's not going down this easy." He waves one last time before walking out the doors.

"You better be right," I mutter. I stand staring out the doors, watching him leave and thinking about Sam.

I walk to the cafeteria and pick out a sandwich. I pay for it and then sit at one of the tables, thinking. I wasn't lying when I had told Lily I wasn't hungry.

I breathe out a long sigh as my thoughts wander over everything that's happened. Everything that's still happening. I'm just about to get up and leave when someone practically skids into the seat across from mine, the chair sliding over a bit. He adjusts his chair and looks across at the untouched sandwich in front of me.

"Are you going to eat that?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "No, I'm not." I push the sandwich toward him. "Go for it."

Devin takes the sandwich and begins unwrapping it. "Hospital food sucks, but at least this stuff is better than what they serve you in the rooms."

I shake my head. "Any reason you came running in here like you were being chased?" I ask him.

"Let's just say that my dad and I had a 'heart to heart'."

"And this means? . . ." I trail off, waiting for him to fill in the blanks.

"I'm in trouble."

I laugh and lean back in my chair, looking at him. "You said something you shouldn't have?"

"I said many things." He takes a bite of the sandwich. "And I'm not done. He and I need to sit down and have a long talk." He grimaces. "It's probably not going to go all that well for me, but I might be able to accomplish pulling his head out of his ass for him."

I smile, amused. "I have no doubt you could do it." My expression turns serious. "I ran into Zack in the hallway," I tell him. "How does he seem to you?" I ask. I want to make sure he's alright.

Devin gives me a flat look. "He was flirting with the nurses last I checked." He waves off my concern. "He's fine."

A wheelchair is suddenly crashed into the end of the table. Devin and I both jump and Lily climbs out of the wheelchair and takes a seat next to Devin.

"I was trying to call you," She says as she snatches the sandwich from Devin and takes a bite of it.

Devin looks from his hands to the sandwich and then scowls at Lily. She gives him a death glare back.

"Why do you have a wheelchair?" He asks her.

"Well, the patient down the hall wasn't using it."

"Sam?" I question her, ignoring her and Devin's conversation. Dread beginning to seep in.

She nods. "But not what you think. I got kicked out of the room while the doctors went in to change out bandages and clean the wounds again." She shakes her head. "Still no change though."

I nod, getting to my feet. "I'm going to head back up," I tell her.

"I figured you'd want to," Lily says. "Though you should really be resting yourself. You took an enormous beating and are riddled with cuts, not mention the bones you've likely fractured. I could frighten the nurses into bringing another hospital bed into Sam's room."

I smile. "Thanks for the offer Lily, but I'll be fine."

She mumbles something into her sandwich. Something along the lines of getting Henri to drug me into sleeping. I narrow my eyes at her and she widens hers in innocence.

I shake my head and walk down the hallway to the elevator, going back into Sam's room. I stand in the doorway and stare at his sleeping form, listening to the beeping of the heart monitor. I let out a sigh and take the seat next to his bed.

"You better wake up soon," I mutter. I reach my hand out and take his, squeezing lightly. "I'll never forgive you if you don't," I whisper. "And I'd miss you."

I keep my hand in his and stare at his face, watching for any indication that he's waking up, but I get none. His breathing remains constant, but a little ragged, and the heart monitor beeps steadily. Nothing changing.

"I can't lose you," I whisper. "I won't."

I stare down at my lap, but my head snaps up and my gaze flies to his face when I hear the words barely spoken louder than a whisper.

"Care to repeat that? I didn't hear it. Must have had my hearing aids off . . ."




And Thanks for Reading!

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