He stared at me with wide eyes. "You know this man?" He asked warily.

I tapped my foot and tried to think on the spot. "Yeah, he's my baby daddy." I tried.

"Huh?" He looked at me strangely. How do I explain that term to him. "He's a close friend." I corrected. Put me down as Mae for tomorrow, I'll be here to put decorations up at around three if that's okay?"

He nodded and began to write things down. "Okay, Mae. Three O'Clock, you have it." He smiled at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, err.." I extended my hand but I didn't catch his name.

"Pablo," He told me. He shook my hand and walked me outside. As I drove away in the car, he waiting at the door and waved goodbye until I was out of sight.

Oh fuck what did I do?


"Harry!" I yelled. I slammed the door after the kids got in and dropped my bag to the floor. They scurried off to the kitchen and I marched to Harry who was at his desk.

I swiveled him around in his chair and rested my hands on the arm rests as I leaned down to his level.

Raising his hands in defense, he took his earphones out and looked around. "I don't know if you're coming on to me or if you're angry." He said.

"Angry," I told him.

He rolled his eyes and tried to turn back around, I followed him. "You're building a new hotel?" I asked.

His hands came up to the back of my thighs as he rubbed them softly with a grin. "Yes! I'm so excited. I was going to tell you all tomorrow-"

"No!" I whined. I pushed him away, watching as the wheelie chair rolled back with a very confused Harry.

"You're tearing down all the apartments and restaurants on the block we practically raised our kids on, Harry." I confronted him.

"I thought you'd be happy, having our own hotel there." He admitted, his tone now disappointed.

"Our hotel?" I asked him.

He nodded, " I'd then leave it for Ana and Noah. It was gonna be ours."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I watched Harry sit in front of me looking quite deflated, his arms resting on the armrests and his shoulders slumped.

I took his hand and lead us to the couch. He was still confused so I figured I'd explain everything, so I did. I sat on my knees as I face him where he just had one foot resting on his knee looking at me expectantly.

"I was talking to one of the guys who owns a restaurant on that block, and I kind of promised him that you would leave the block alone.." I began. He lunged forward, "What!?"

He was furious. "That's not happening, we have everything fucking ready to go by next month." He yelled.

"Hear me out!" I told him. "You can do it somewhere else, all the same plans, just a different location."

"No, everything is ready to go." He sternly told me. He folded his arms and leaned back against the cushions.

"Please, Harry." I pleaded. "The man was so sweet, he's gonna lose everything. He's had that place running for as long as I can remember, don't be that asshole."

"Mae.." he groaned. His ring clad fingers pushed through his silky locks and I smiled to myself, he was giving in.

I scooted closer to him and batted my eyes up at him. He just buried his hands in his face and sighed loudly to let me know of his annoyance.

"Pleasseee," I continued. "I'll love you forever."

"Fuck, fine." He dramatically flung his hands in the air and looked down at me. I giddily bounced and pulled him into a tight hug, to which he pulled me further into him and onto his lap.

"I'll hold you to that promise though." He mumbled. My head was doing some crazy ass beats and I smiled awkwardly before patting his chest, "Okay, buddy."

"Also..." I dragged.

"Also?" He rose a brow and I sighed nervously.

"I also kind of told him you'd pay for the refurbishment of his restaurant."

Before he could respond I jumped up and ran down the hall. I could hear him yelling angrily and calling my name but I made it to the kids and locked the door, slightly out of breath.

"You good, Mae?" Noah asked me.

I nodded, pressing my back to the door as Harry banged on the door.

"Harry's just being dramatic, let's ignore him. What are we playing?" I asked them, they stared at me with wide eyes as I approached them and Harry yelled a string of curse words through the door.

Ah, home sweet home.

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