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the next few weeks pass by in almost a blur. michael won't speak to me, luke has texted me here and there, but we never really continue the conversation. mostly awkward hello's and how are you's. i kinda look back and laugh at how i thought he was flirting with me in the car that night. of course he wasn't. he doesn't even know me. why would he flirt with me anyway? of all people? i'm nothing special, really. i'm a boy who likes to stay home in his empty house with minimal furniture and sleep almost all day; basically 24/7. that's not attractive, that's just boring; dull. 

but, in all of that time i've had with my thoughts, i've decided to go and get a job. i am ninteen, anyway. i should have a steady job by now. i work at a record store; 11am to 6pm is my shift. it pays alright. i'm saving to buy some actual furniture and maybe even a t.v. just something.

but, right now, is my day off, aka wednesday, the only day of the week i don't work, besides the weekends. and may i just say that i am bored out of my mind. i have no friends; calum and charlie are at school, michael is just being idiotic and not speaking to me, and when i'm around luke i blush and stutter like a jackass.

so, i'm alone. i sit on my living room floor. alone. just listening to the light dropping of the rain outside. it's nice, the rain. it's very calming. i can sorta see why luke loves it so much. i just don't understand why he sits in it. honestly, the only reason i don't ask him about it, is because i'm scared. i feel like that's too personal and i barely know the guy. we've been texting a little, less than i prefer, but it's whatever. a boy as good looking and kind as him wouldn't like the real me anyway.


luke's pov.

"text me, you bastard, fucking text me." i mumble to my phone, just praying for it to light up and it be that one curly haired boy i can't seem to get out of my head; ashton. i really miss him. i hate how i have to go into my dreams to feel his loving embrace and hear his voice mutter sweet nothings into my ears.

after all, i used to have the real thing.

i groan, closing my eyes and laying myself back onto my bed, rubbing my eyes. he's not gonna text. why would he? he doesn't remember me. he just thinks of me as some odd boy who only goes outside when it rains and doesn't talk much.

i just miss him.

i just want my old ashton back.


ashton's pov. 

"okay, just stack these over on that shelf and once you're done with that, you can work on organizing the oldies to the newest."

"alright." i say, putting on a smile but on the inside i'm punching my manager in the face. he always has me do so much and it's just so tiring and i barely get enough sleep as it is and just- fuck.

my smile immediately turns to a frown and an eye roll soon follows when he leaves back to his office in the back of the store. he stays in there all day just watching day time t.v. and eating pizza, it's nauseating.

i carry the huge pile of old records to the nearest shelf and start stacking them accordingly. i hum the store music that is playing, but sigh when i hear it stop. stupid radio is always glitching and if i don't fix it, no one will.

i stick a couple of more records on the shelf before making my way to the radio at the front of the store. i stop dead in my tracks, a smile slowly creeps up onto my face as i see that the radio didn't glitch, or break, it was turned off by one special person. luke hemmings.

"hi." i say, so afraid i'll stutter and embarrass myself that i don't say anything else. he smiles at me, his smile is so beautiful, i just love it a little too much. he's wearing almost the exact thing he was when he picked me and michael up from the gas station a few weeks ago, but his hair is in a fringe and is very damp. he looks so flustered and cute i might explode.

the rain → lashtonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora