Chapter Six

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     Orion walked away from the ship towards the tall structures. He could make out the thin silhouettes of speeders zipping around the city at work.
     The planet was part of the republic, but the people acted like they were not part of it. He was certain that the planet was not under separtist control.
     He slipped over the short wall unnoticed and continued walking deeper in the city. He pulled on a large cloak to hide that he was a Jedi.
     It was dusk on this planet but he could see through the force and he allowed it to guide him farther into the city, making him look like an average citizen and not a highly trained Jedi.
     "Wanna buy some Deep-Fried Nuna Legs" a local vendor offered.
       Trying to avoid drawing attention to himself he fished out some Republic currency and put it in the vendor's hand.
                           .   .   .
        The man in the cloak watched from atop the building, clutching the cool, metal of his lightsaber.

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