Chapter 19 ♥ Fitting The Puzzle Pieces

Start from the beginning

"Uh, sure. What makes you think I would say no?"

"Cause you guys obviously don't like me."

"True.." I mumbled and I felt Stacy step on my toe making me groan. I don't see why she did that, she knows its the truth.

"But why?" She asked.

"Um, something came up and I have to take care of it." She nodding.

Me and Stacy looked at eachother funny, but the look soon went away when we heard Tj run in. "Dad!" He yelled and ran right into my arms like always.

"I see you're ready to spend time with your pops."

"Yeah, that's true." He said.

"Go take your things upstairs, and I'll be there in a couple of minutes okay?" I told me.

"Okay." He said running up the stairs.

"He doesnt know I'm not his father?" I asked her in a whisper.

"Like I said you are."

"Whatever, I'm not his father."

"Yes you are!" She said coming up to me.

"Pause." Stacy said coming between us. "Back up now, too close." She said moving Konie back some.

Konie sighed. I already knew she was about to make a smart remark.

"If I wanted your man, I could have him anytime I want-"

"I wish you would touch Chris, I'm not afraid to pop that wanna be ass of yours." Stacy said getting up in her face.

"Baby, don't." I said pulling her back

"Anyways, Konie, you know your way out."

"Yeah, and Chris we need too talk." Stacy said in a serious tone.

Once Konie left, Stacy pulled me into the kitchen and looked around in the living room.

"Wassup?" I asked her.

"Its Amber." She said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You know Kayla?"

"Amber's bipolar ass friend?" I said, making her laugh. "Hush." She said pointing at me.

"Yeah, I know her." I said. Stacy then began to back me up into the counter for some reason with her arms around my waist.

"Well...I found out that Kayla has a older brother, that according to Amber he's-"

"What the fuck did that nigga do to my daughter?!" I said already highly pissed. I'll fuck someone up over my babygirl.

"She's saying he's looking at her funny and making comments about her to his friends."

"Where can I find his ass? I'll be happy to blow his damn brains out-"

"Chris, chill!" She said looking me dead in the eyes. "I talked to him..and everything seems to be fine.."

"For now you mean?"

"I guess unless anything else comes up."


"Christopher!" Stacy said hitting me in my chest. She never said my whole name unless she was agitated or mad. "She already didn't want me to tell you so go easy on her!" Stacy said.

"Sir?" Amber said coming through the kitchen.

"Who's the nigga that's been giving looks?"


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