Chapter 48 ♡ Love In Competition (Extended)

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Laying down in my room on my bed, I played a game on my phone, deciding to let Chris just calm down and let him do his own thing for a couple of hours. Its rare I seen him snap like that, but I know it could have been worse if I wasn't around.

"Did ya' hear me?"

I looked up, seeing August standing at the edge of the bed.

"What did you say?"I questioned him, locking my phone back up.

"I was wonderin' if you would check my lip fa' me."

The only reason I let August stay behind, even though he was an ass, is because I didn't want him to ride around with a bloody mouth and stuff. But after I check his lip, he has to go and just forget about me. I can't deal with him unless I get Chris on the right path or at least the same page.

"Sure, sorry." I said, getting out of bed as he headed back into the bathroom. I followed behind him, seeing him sitting down on the counter as I walked up to him. I opened a drawer and pulled a glove, before closing it back. Sliding the glove on, he toted his head down at me.

I touched his jaw some, with my hand that doesn't have the glove on, pressing down on it some to make sure nothing was broken or anything.

"How does this feel?" I asked him, putting more pressure on it.

"A lil sore."

"Open your mouth."

He did as told and I looked at his teeth and they seemed fine. Chris did get a good smack in. "You sure you don't wanna go get a x ray done maybe?" I asked. I wanted to make sure his mouth was fine.

He shook his head. "I felt worse." He said simply shrugging. I pressed my lips and pressed my thumb against his lip, bottom one, and looked at it. I didn't see anything, so I moved to his cheek and saw a little cut, nothing serious though, but it looked deep.

"Your mouth looks fine. You have a cut on the inside of your cheek, but he probably just bruised it." I explained to him, letting go of his jaw. "But just go get it check out though." I stated. taking my glove off.

"Yes ma'am." He said softly, touching my face.

"August stop." I said, removing his hand.

"What's wrong with you?" He questioned.

"What's wrong with me?" I crossed my arms. "The question is what's wrong with YOU, I believe."

"I'm just fine thank you very much." He answered with a slight attitude and sarcasm dripping from his mouth.

"Well, I'm not about to fuss with you nor your little bad ass mouth, so you can leave." I stated, heading out the bathroom, only to feel his hand grip onto my arms hard.

"Slow ya' role now babeh." He pulled my back to him and looked at me. "All I did was confess my feelin's, not my fault yo man couldn't take what I had ta' say."

"And its not your fault that you don't understand how it looks in his point of view." I said rolling my eyes, removing his hand from my arm. "Look, I admit I care for you and all, but my feelings aren't with yours okay? Chris is my first and will be last, and you're not about to ruin what I'm peacefully happy with."

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