Chapter 15 ♥ The Start Of A New Problem (3/3)

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( 3:50 a.m)

So, I got a call early this morning saying that I was needed at one of the designing studios because someone called in needing a suit and they want it ASAP.

But what gets me, is that they ONLY wanted me. I mean, usually when a person wants a design they always call other designers but apparently this person just wants me. I guess I'm their favorite.

After getting out the shower, I dried myself off really good, threw on some bra and panties and put on a black silky like sun dress that had ruffles at the top and spaghetti straps. What else I don't understand is why the weather is going back and forth from warm to hot to cold.

As I flat ironed my hair, I actually let Lucia cut it to shoulder length last night just to try something different, and it was actually pretty on me. But while in the process, I threw on some earrings and little make up so I would look awake.

One I finished, I cleaned my mess up and walked out to the room.

Chris as usual, was all over the bed. Thank Jesus I got out oof bed on time or I would have been squished!

I shut the bathroom door and walked around in the dark room and flipped on the light switch. I grabbed my phone, charger and keys and began to look for my purse so I could put everything in it but I couldn't find it nowhere.

So I walked over to Chris and shook him lightly.

"What?" He groaned.

"Where's my purse?" I said sitting beside him on the bed.

"Under the bed." He mumbled. I put a confused faced.

"Why is it under the bed?" I asked him while I got on my knees and reached under the bed feeling around for my purse.

"Cause I'm tired of seeing it hanging up."

"You could at least put it in the closet." I said.

"Look its too damn early to argue over a purse." He said turning over on his back and feeling around on bed. I laughed.

"Where you going?" He asked. Once I finally put on my sandal flats, I looked up at him. "To one of the designing studios."

"Oh." He said looking over at me. "What time you coming back?"

"Later on this morning hopefully." I shrugged.

"You want me to come with you?"

"Nah, you need sleep." I said. "I'll have Lucia to come with me. You stay here with the kids."

"Okay." He said. Just as soon as I was about to walked around the bed, Chris held his leg out stopping me.

"Forgetting something?" He asked.


He pouted. "My kiss!"

"I didn't forget!" I said laughing. "I'll give it too you."

"Mmmmm." He groaned and I walked into my closet and put on my rolex watch. I cut of the lights except the room light and saw Chris sitting at the edge or bed waiting for me. "Better bring that ass here." He said in a raspy voice which was still hella sexy to me. He sat me down in his lap, and I captured his plump lips into mine with his hand on my waist.

When I tried to pull away, he pulled me into another kiss. I could feel my dresses's strap slightly coming off.

"Chris, nooo." I said. As he kissed on my neck. My period was still on and I wasn't taking the risk.

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