Chapter 18 ♥ Figuring It Out?

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After the incident with Konie and her so called man Miguel, I guess you can say everything has calmed down for a good minute.

Stacy decided to take the kids out because she wants me to have some time to myself, to think a little bit and get my mind clear.

The only thing that I could think about is how Konie could play with me like could she play with emotions, she knows how I am to when it comes down to my kids. I know she's somehwhat cold hearted, but how the hell can she go that deep?

I swear, people these days. -shakes head- It's just a shame at what this world is turning into.

As I relaxed on the couch watching some TV and drinking some kool-aid Stacy made, I invited the guys over for a little bit to hang out with me.

But I have to make sure I don't leave no trail that the guys were here. She something serious about the house being a mess after she just finished cleaning up.

When I heard a knock on the door, I yelled; "Doors open!" and Keeis, Mijo, Ink, and Ty walked in.

"What up my nigga!"

"Keeis." I said giving him a handshake.

"Your wife home?" Ty asked.

"Nah, she took the kids out." I answered.

"Oh." He said sitting down. "But you know you gotta tell me all about the fight bruh!"

"Hell yeah, I didn't know Stacy could fight!"

"Me either!" I said laughing. "I knew she was bad at the mouth but I didn't think she couldn't actually fight."

"Have you heard from Konie?"


"Her ass probably embarrassed."

"Or she still might be up to no good."

"But what if Tj was really my kid?"

"Are you sure he's yours?"

"I don't know." I said shrugging. "I mean he literally runs into my arms everytime he sees me."

"Maybe he would love to have a father like you." Mijos suggested. "You ain't really strict on your kids except for maybe on Amber."

"True...and since Stacy won't sacrafice that vagina of hers for kids no more, might as well take him in like he's my own."

They a just busted out laughing. Did I say something funny?

"What?" I said looking lost.

"Nigga you a trip." Keeis said wiping some tears away.

"Talking 'bout some sacrafice that vagina, like the fuck?"

"Hell yeah she sacraficing." I was dead ass serious I wasn't joking at all.

"And how does she feel about that?" Ty asked.

"She slightly doesn't agree with it..." I said laughing. "But its cool. As long as she ain't giving it away."

"Which reminds me," Ty said. "What's up with you and Jeremiah?"

I rubbed my hand down my face. "That's a long story." I mumbled.

"Tell." Keeis said.

Okay, so maybe everyone wants to know why I have "beef" with Jeremiah.

It all started when I was in ATL at the time with Sevyn to perform Don't Kill The Fun. Well, after thee performance, Sevyn invited me to come to the after party and you know I agreed. So when I walked into the after party, you know I chatted with a fee old friends, laughed, was having an amazing night and enjoying myself like usual.

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