"Doesn't sound familiar, just bring him into the house I guess. Once I handle everything out here I'll switch back with you, ok?" Gryphon asked.

"Alright, cool," I answered and turned back to the new guy. "Gryphon will be here shortly and she will help you. Come with me."

He followed me into the house and we sat in the main room, watching the outside world. I sat down on a couch and curled back into a ball. I hadn't noticed earlier but after I confronted the brunette on the couch opposite of me, my headache had gone away.

"What is that?" He asked.

"The outside world. This inner space is inside my head I guess you could say. Gryphon is in control right now because of an accident that happened a little bit ago. We're not in the best place for me to be freaking out right now." I told him.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Well, we're about to go on a dangerous mission to infiltrate a huge company and then kill an assassin," I said blatantly.

"An assassin? Who are all those people?" He asked. I sighed at his amount of questions but answered them nonetheless.

"The assassin is Lockdown, he wants to kill us. Brown hair, brown eyes is Cade. The blonde chick is Tessa. The guy with the dog tags is my Dad. And the blonde hair, blue eyed one in front is our mate Optimus." I said, describing the scene in front of us. Gryphon was calming the body and everyone else down before letting me back out.

"Hey, you ready to come out?" Gryphon asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I mumbled and she let me surface as she went into the inner space. I said goodbye to brunette and was met with lots of faces on the outside world. I recognized my Dad and Optimus but the other three I didn't. In the vulnerable panic, we always have when surfacing, I back away quickly from all of them.

"Hey kid, it's alright. You're safe." Dad said and kneeled next to me. He brought me into a hug and patted me on the back. "No one can get to you."

"Thank you," I mumbled and he backed away with a small smile.

"Anyone mind telling us what the hell happened?!" Crosshairs voice rang out. I tilted my head in confusion and looked around my Dad to see a confused trio of people behind him.

"Keep your voice down," Dad said sternly. I looked over to see Optimus, Cade, Tessa, and Shane on my other side.

"You alright there little lady?" I heard Hound ask. The burly man with the beard was the one that had spoken. That's when my stupid brain cells decided to start working again and made the connection. Those three were Crosshairs, Drift, and Hound. I was about to reply when something behind me moved. I sprang to my feet and backed away quickly. When I saw my two best friends I relaxed and settled back on the ground. Ranger must've been sitting behind me to help Gryphon before.

"I'm ok." I signed to Hound. He gave me a smile and turned to usher Crosshairs and Drift away. Cade must've taken that as a sign to leave us alone for a bit and led Tessa and Shane over to their spot. I sighed and curled in on myself again. Dad motioned for Ranger and Bee to stand back for a while and they did, walking over to Cade and the others.

"What trigger?" Dad asked.

"Mom," I told him. He sighed a bit and sat down all the way next to me. At this point, Optimus had sat down as well, but he looked slightly confused.

"It wasn't your fault. Please for the love of everything holy in this world listen to me when I say it. Knowing your mother, she would have done it a thousand times over again just to see your bright blue eyes open for the first time. She loved you so much, even though she only saw you once, she loved the hell out of you. When she broke our bond so I would live, she made me promise her that I would never let you blame yourself for what happened. I'm not about to let that happen, kid, believe me when I say it. So you're going to listen to me, ok?" Dad poured out with raw emotion. I could feel my eyes start to burn a little and I quickly wiped at my face before anything could come out.

"I'm sorry." I signed and he pulled me into his lap like he did when I was little.

"Don't be. I love you, you know that?" He asked with a chuckle. He started to poke me in the sides and I jerked my body away from him, trying to hold in my laughter. He kept poking and laughing until I fell off of his lap and melted into a laughing mess on the floor.

"Love you too Dad." I signed as I sat up. He smiled and stood up in front of me. Before he walked away, he ruffled my hair with a smile. I pushed his hand away and he retreated to where the others were. I looked over at my mate and he looked bewildered, to say the least.

"You alright over there?" I asked and he jumped a little.

"Y-Yeah I just...that was really confusing and intense." He stuttered. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'm sorry about what happened. I haven't lapsed like that in years." I told him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I have really bad PTSD. And when mixed with depression and anxiety, it can get real nasty. Sometimes things can lead to these 'lapses', they're called triggers. I'm sure you guys have PTSD as well with all the hell you've all been through." I explained.

"I have witnessed some have panic attacks and PTSD episodes, I myself have had them. But I have never seen anything like what just happened to you." He said with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Gryphon actually had to take over for a while and calm my physical state down while I calmed myself in the inner space." I apologized.

"Don't be, and tell me if I'm overstepping any boundaries when I ask things. If I may, what is the inner space?" Optimus asked.

"It's where Gryphon and I go when the other is out. It's like a house, but in our mind. It's a home, but it's also an isolation." I explained and he nodded.

"You, my love, seem to be suffering more than you let on." He said and pulled me to his side, holding me close to him.

"Maybe, but I'm fine. It'll pass as it has before." I said calmly.

"I'm here for you, ok?" He asked as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I nodded slightly and hugged me tighter. "You don't have to suffer alone."

"Um, guys I don't mean to interrupt but are you alright?" A voice asked with concern. I turned to see Cade standing beside us.

"I'm ok, it's just like before, only a little harsher this time. Nothing I can't handle." I signed to him. Cade smiled a little at that.

"Good, just making sure." He said and retreated to his spot again.

"Y/n, the guy, he just disappeared! I don't know what is happening but it's fuckin weird." Gryphon said.

"What do you mean he disappeared? Did he say anything to you?" I asked.

"No, he was just sitting on the couch and faded away. Something isn't right." She said.

"Y/n?" I heard Optimus ask. I looked up at him and saw concern flood his face. "What are you doing?" His eyes moved from me to the floor behind me. I looked over to see intricate drawings in the dirt. It looked kind of like a broken soccer ball with its pieces hanging out. Almost like something from a horror movie.

"I-I don't know. I don't remember doing that." I mumbled.

"Y/n, that looks like Cybertron," Optimus said quietly. I looked up at him in confusion and fear.

"What's happening?" I asked, looking down at my dirt covered hands. That's when I noticed the dark spots float into the corners of my vision. "Optimus don't freak out. I'm just passing out. Let me sleep so I can...figure...this...out."

I'm not sure if I said everything before I passed out, but it was for the best. I need to go back to the Realm of the Primes and get some answers.

Will of the Primes (Optimus Prime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now