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" No please.. not again " The small boy cried and cover his head with his arms for protection.

" Did You Take The Fucking Money !"

The male he by biologi had to call father yelled at the female he had to call mother.

Soon the grown males fists came flying around the room, the woman yelling out in both anger and pain.


She screamed in panic and fear, the little boy ran upstairs to what he called his room, he slammed the door and locked it.

His bed.. he had to make it to his bed. running across the room he jumped over the bed.

No covers was on the bed, but between the bed and the wall where a little space, that space having the name.


A safe place in this hell he was living every day, but what did he expected with a look like his.

A little kid with blood red skin, horns turning backwards, coming out from the side of his head. Small horns making some kind of eyebrow over his orange flaming eyes. Sharp teeth at the side of his mouth that would become fangs when he grow up and then there was the tiny claws and wings. Things that would only become more evident when he grew up...

If you assume he grew up, assuming his so called father didn't kill him in a drunken rage or his mother killing him in a high from the drugs...

Sinking down between the bed and the wall hugging himself and crying silently the little boy looked out the window.

What he wouldn't give to could fly out that window. But his wings couldn't bear him and he couldn't fly yet...

He could hear them fighting downstairs, fists hitting the wall, things being thrown around, kicks, screams. If they didn't soon shut up, the police would be called. Taking one of them with then and leaving the other at the home, not knowing anything about at kid being in the house.

" Please let them take dad with them "

The boy cried, not even a whisper.

Twenty minutes later the police showed up breaking up the fight between the two, but taking the female with them, leaving the father at home. The boy cried in silien, sad that they didn't took his father instead of his mother, but if he was too loud the grown male would remember him and come for him..

The sound of hissing wind nearly caused him to scream, until a figure took form out of black smoke in the middle of his room. He should be scared for this, but he wasn't.

He knew her. A fallen angel or a rising demon.. it didn't matter. She was as tall as his father, but bigger, had more muscle mass and were stronger. She had a long tail with a blade on the end, big clawed hands and feets. Big black wings like a bat, a jaw that had teeth sticking up, a long snout with a horn on it and big horns pointing backwards, from the side and front of her head. And burning orange eyes.

This was a fallen angel or a upringsing demon for all that the boy knew, he didn't care what ever she was. She was a safe place too, like the space between the wall and the bed.

She looked at the door, then turned her head to the boy, that peeked out from his hiding place.

" Did you lock the door ?"

Her voice was cold and fearless, but it was claiming to the boy, hearing her meant that no one could come and get him or hurt him.

The boy nodded up to her and see turned to lock at the door again.

" And the police have been here ?"

He nodded again, knowing that she could see or sense his answer somehow,

" Who did they take away ?"

She turned her head half back to him, her eyes darting around the room.

" Mom.."

She could barely hear his voice, but knew that he would have preferred they took the farther away. Personally she didn't care, the police taking one away just made her job easier. Now she only had to kill one of them.. and then take the boy with her.

" I will be back in a moment. Just stay here."

The demon unlocked the door and walked out of the room, disappearing down the stairs.

They boy just sat there between the bed and wall. Safe.

He hear his father yell something about an intruder, a roar, then a scream, then silens..

shortly after she returned.

" Do you have anything here that you want with you ? "

The boy looked around his room, nothing came to his mind, nothing but the bed cover in his hands. He looked down at it, then hold it up for the fallen angel to see. She looked at it shortly, then gave a single nod.

" Anything else ?"

He shook his head and hugged the covers to him. Not noticing the fallen angel reaching down and picking him up.

She rested him against her shoulder and chest, he curled up against her and hugged the covers even more, starting to cry again.

Leaning her head against his, she hugged him and cover him with her one wing, whispering

" Don't worry.. I got you now. No one is gonna get you "

" So you aren't leaving this time ? "

" I'm leaving.. but you're going with me this time"  

The pic is mine, I drew it myself. The character's name is Hide, the pic is Hide as a grown up. He is serving the creature that saved him. The creature also going under the name Zaire or the 13 Queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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