Razor part 2

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I woke up just before sunrise, and that giving me just enough time to get my armor back on and return to my spot in front of the door, before Sensei's guards walked up to me, saying that Sensei wanted to see his femmeling in a few minutes. I nodded and said that I would tell her to be ready. The guards walked of properly back to Sensei, I walked back inside and growled when I saw Silver, half back in his armor, I had forgotten about him, why wouldn't he just leave and let me have her, I was better in berth than he was.. I proved that last night.

" Dragonfly.. your sire wanna see you now "

" Here or at his office ? " She asked lifting her helm.

" Don't know, they didn't told me "

" Okay then.. that usually means at his office, I will come out in a few minutes. Dismiss both of you "

" Yes Miss " Silver and I said at the same time and walked out, standing on our post once again.

" So.." Silver asked not looking at me,

" So what ? "

" Did it help on your mood or are you still mad ? "

" That is none of your business.."

" Come on, I shared my femme with you, at least you can tell me if it helped on your mood "

I looked at him bewildered.

" Excuse me ! Your femme..and since when did you ask Sensei for her servo, or her bond for that matter.."

He got wide optic's, ha.. he hadn't asked Sensei, that could give him big troubles, big troubles..

" I haven't.. Sensei doesn't know, and I intend to keep it that way, just remember if you tell him you are going to be in troubles too "

" That depends on how much of my DNA they will find in her compared to yours..."

We stopped as the door opened and dragonfly walked out, now fully dressed.

" Now follow me to my sire " She said and began to walk, Silver and I walked with her.

We all bow to Sensei who nodded his helm back, Silver and I left the room knowing that he wanted to talk to her alone. We didn't talk to each other while we waited for dragonfly to come out, and when she did she looked scared, but before we could do anything Sensei called us in, both of us bowed to him again and waited for him to allow us to stand upright again.

" Guards.. I'm sure that you have noticed that since my femmeling came to age, the mech's all around the place has become more... excited about getting the night watch.. Why do you think that I chose you two for the night watch ? "

Sensei asked us, we looked at each other before we looked up at Sensei, Silver answered him.

" We don't know master, why did you chose us ?"

Sensei began to walk around in the room, " I chose you, because you didn't seem to look at her with dose hungry optic's that everyone else look at her with... but now that seem to have changed..."

Silver became uneasy, I could feel his aura change.

" I'm not sure I understand Sensei..."

He looked at a glass vase, inspecting it, looking for the smallest pieces of dust.

" She is sparked.. and have been for six weeks "

Silver froze in his spot while a icewind ran down my back, this is not good. Sensei walked over to stand in front of us.

" Now I know it's one of you two.. the question is just who.. I will have a tournament set up, you two will fight each other to the death, the winner will live here until the sparkling is born, after that you will move and start a new clan, still serving in my name. Understood ? "

We were silenced, not knowing what to say or how to react.

" Understood ! "

Sensei shouted at us, making both of us bow and answer at the same time.

" Yes Sensei " 

I took a deep breath, Silver and I stood in front of each other, our swords in our servo's our helm resting on our servo's.

Today one of us was going to offline for good. I knew it was Silver's sparkling that dragonfly was carrying, but I wasn't going to die just because of that, yes Silver was my best friend.. but he took the femme that he knew I liked in front of my optic's and he got her sparked.. I was not going to take the blame for him this time. I could take care of the sparkling, and I would take it as my own, just to honor him, but I wouldn't die for him.

The horn sounded and we began to fight, only one problem showed it self. We were twin's in combat, we knew each other so well that we predicted each other's moves, we fought an hour as mech's not coming anywhere, until we took our dragonforms. Now the fight began to matter, we reselte each others as dragons, one more aggressive than other. 

We lost ourself in the battle, giving in to our dragons dominating side, growling, hissing when one got a scratch, roared when one bites the other, both our visions going blurry from lack of energon, and the named energon running down our body, from cuts, bits and big wounds on our body's. And energon from each other running down our jaw's.

We stopped and began to circle each other, both of us out of breath and gasping for air, and suddenly I noticed something new.

Silver was shaking, his legs soon going to betray him and let him collapse... I started smirking, I would win this, very soon...

The horn sounding once again, meaning that people wanted an ending on this, Silver looked at me with a facial expressions that I hadn't seen him with before, grief.

He transformed midt air, back to his bot mode, his sword raised and ready to cut into me. I transformed too but stepped backwards, making Silver's sword getting stuck in the ground. Before I think I burst forwards knocking him on his back and to the ground, I held my own sword just over his spark, Silver using both his servo's to push it away.

He looks up at me terrified when he realized that I was going to do it, I was really going to offline him..

" Please... I beg you.. I will leave, you will get her... Firebalde Please ! "

He whispered begging me to spare his life, tears beginning to develop in his optic's,

" Fireblade !! Don't Do It !!" Dragonfly screamed to me, her sire standing up on his balcony resting his servo's on the railing.

" Do It ! Prove who you are! Prove that you are stronger than him !... Or die with him "

I closed my optic's and let a tear fall, " I'm sorry " I mumbled before I shoved the sword through his spark and into the ground below him.

" I'm so sorry.. Razor.."

So if you haven't figured it out, I've written this one from the friend's perspective and not the the actual character. The actual character is Razor or Silverrazor aka Silver, his best friend being Firebalde, the mech you follow through the storry. 

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