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"Ugh, these computers are even slower than the ones in the Flash museum."

Penelope, Nora and Barry were in Barry's lab, processing the evidence from the crime scene they found earlier. 

"DNA analysis used to take a lot longer, even just 10 years ago."

"So mom took the news about you being gone better than I thought she would."

Nora glanced at Barry as she walked closer toward him. 

"Iris is as tough as they come. I'm sure you know that."

The computer beeped and Barry glanced at it.

"Got a match. Vanessa Jansen."

Penelope glanced at the computer over Barry's shoulder. "Low level weapon dealer affiliated with the East Street Skulls Gang."

"I ran into a couple of them when I was in prison."

Nora glanced at Barry. "You were in prison?"

"He was. My mom told me about that."

"It wasn't in the Flash museum."

"The Skulls make the Hell's Angels look like a knitting club, drug trafficking, armed robbery."

"Any places Jansen's known to frequent?"

Barry pressed some keys on the keyboard. "East Street Auto Haven. Looks like it's probably a front for Skull's activities."

"Yes, we get to take down our first baddie!"

Penelope glanced from Nora to Barry. "With your permission, obviously."

Barry gave Penelope a smile. "Let's do it."

The three of them arrived to the location and Barry told Nora and Penelope to scan the perimeter for backup, but Nora had other ideas.

"I can do better than that."

Nora sped away and placed Bruno Moretti in the back of the truck. She locked him in and turned to Vanessa.

"Sorry. I can't let you hurt him. Or take this."

Vanessa created a cube with her hands, one which Nora couldn't escape. 

"Didn't know I was a meta? Don't feel bad. It's my new look."


Vanessa turned to look behind her. "The Flash! I guess I better put my hands up."

Vanessa did so and it sent Nora flying. Penelope and Barry sped after her and got her down safely.




"I think Nora's good to go. She didn't even need an Ibuprofen."

Caitlin checked up on Nora when they got back to STAR Labs. 

"You sure?" Barry glanced at Nora. "You feel okay?"

"I'm totally okay. Come on, let's get back to work, Flash."

Barry sighed. "Okay. All right, let's figure out where Vanessa went. If she sells those stolen weapons to the wrong people, I-"

Barry paused and Iris changed the subject. 

"Um, Cisco, were you able to get the satellite up and running?"

Cisco was motionless as he sat in the opposite direction as the others. 

"We weren't able to track Vanessa, but we did find an anomaly that we've never seen before, right, Cisco?"

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