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LIFE DOESN'T STOP FOR ANYONE, not even Clara Green

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LIFE DOESN'T STOP FOR ANYONE, not even Clara Green. The school year was almost over. And since her parents were still assumed to be missing, she was packing her bags to prepare to stay with her godparents, the Potters.

James was chatting to her about all the fun they were going to have this summer as she nibbled at her morning porridge. She smiled when it was appropriate and laughed when he cracked a joke. She was acting the role of 'healthy witch'. And Clara Green was nothing if not a good actress.

Nevertheless, she still went to sleep clutching her wand as if someone was going to attack her in the middle of the night. Clara was cautious with every step she took. She found herself constantly looking over her shoulder, checking if she was being followed. When there were loud thundering footsteps behind her, she would panic before realizing it was some first-year running to breakfast.

How could she go back to normal?

It was their last day at Hogwarts, most everyone was dreading going home, including Clara. But she wasn't really going home was she?

"Tits up, Clara dear." Marlene said to her when she caught her growing more somber, "Your parents are safe. Mr. Green will keep your mom safe." The blonde laid a comforting hand on Clara's shoulder.

She smiled up at her friend, although she found herself feeling more desolate lately, encouraging words from her friends made all the difference. Clara hoped that in the future they'd affect her more.

Lily walked up to the table and immediately hugged Clara, she'd been doing more of that lately. She had found a new zest for life and vowed to live every day like it was her last. If anyone came out of this year improved the most, it was Lily Evans. She was more easy-going and more conscious of her words. And as usual, she saw the best in everyone.

"I'll try to visit you as often as possible," Lily promised as she sat down to the right of Clara, pointedly ignoring James who was sitting to Clara's left.

Lily hadn't completely forgiven Sirius and his friends for the whole tricking-Snape-into-almost-getting-killed-by-Remus incident. Even though the pair no longer considered him a friend, they still didn't approve of putting anyone's life in danger. Clara had just begun talking to James again, but Lily was harder to convince.

"You better, Evans." Clara smiled at her best friend.

Maybe today would be a good day after all.

"Morning, Sirius."


When she woke up from her magic-induced coma, people expected her to be automatically happier when he was around. They all thought that she would just rely on him like some kind of anchor. But all she saw when she looked into his slate eyes were memories of a carefree, joyful time. Memories that were not unattainable.

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