My Brightest Star - 8

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Sirius was back to his cheeky self once back at Hogwarts. Being free from his family gave him the courage to do anything he wanted to.

Sirius was walking to Potions class with Y/N, his arm around her waist and humming loudly. His good looks always earned him attention, but now with Y/N by his side, there were more jealous stares. And he pecked her cheek lovingly.
"Sirius" Y/N hissed."Stop it !!"
"Why ??"
"'Coz we are in PUBLIC"
"Is that so ?"
He pushed her against a wall suddenly, his hands against the wall, on either side of her head. Y/N stared at him in shock.
"Dont you dare !" she warned him, putting her hand on his chest and pushing him away.
But he was so much more stronger.
"But I do dare !"
He leaned in and kissed her, biting on her lower lip slowly. She tried to push him away again, as students passing by stopped to look and laugh.
"Stop ittttt !!" Y/N whined, as he laughed.
"Padfoot - No PDA" said Remus, who was passing by. He grabbed Sirius by his robes, pulling him away with him. Y/N followed, giggling.

Well, it wasnt like he would behave in class as well. He sat beside Y/N, watching her write, his hands wanderding off to where it shouldnt.
She would shoot him glares, which only pushed him to do more. She had to spend the entire class swatting his hands away.

"Come onnnnn !!!!" he said, pulling at her hand and running, after class.
"But where are we going ?" she asked.
He took her to a deserted hallway, pushed her against the wall, and kissed her. She didnt push him away this time, though. She played with his hair as they kissed.
Suddenly they were interrupted by someone coughing. Sirius turned, to find his brother Regulus staring at the couple.
Y/N felt Sirius go a bit rigid. She held his hand tightly, afraid. After the brothers stood staring at eachother for a moment, Sirius turned, and grabbing Y/N's wrist, stormed off.

                             * * *
"He's really not ok with it"
Y/N and Remus sat watching Sirius, who was fast asleep on the couch in the common room.
"Some family they are" Remus muttered. "They dont know what they're losing"
"Is it true ? Regulus worshiping Voldemort ?"
Remus nodded.
"He's dying to be a death eater really"
he said. "The whole family is into it. It's just Sirius who rebelled."

The sleep had cured Sirius of his sudden bad mood, and they decided to go the Marauders' room to do their  transfiguration assignment together.
Remus opened door, and they froze.
Y/N screamed and covered her eyes quickly. Sirius whistled and burst out laughing. Remus blushed heavily.
"LOCK THE DAMN DOOR PEOPLE !" Remus said, unable to do anything with himself.
James and Lily were screaming swear words at the intruders.
"Let's Go!!!!" Y/N said , reaching out and closing the door, and dragging the boys away.
Sirius couldnt stop laughing.
"Shut up, Black" Y/N snapped, swatting him on the head with her book.
"I hate couples" Remus complained, heading down to the common room.

They worked on their assignment late into the night. The common room was empty, expect for Remus, Peter, Y/N and Sirius.
Remus and Peter were fast asleep on the carpetted floor. Y/N sat on the couch reading, and Sirius lay with his head on her lap.
"Baby?"  Sirius' voice was quite low, as if talking to himself.
"Yeah ?"
"Will you marry me ?"
"WHAT ?"
Y/N stared at Sirius, who sat up, putting his index finger against her lips.
"Dont wake them up !" he said.
He took her hands in his.
"Dont worry, this is not a proposal." he said. "I was just wondering."
Y/N looked at him, her head slightly tilted.
"Will you marry me, Y/N Y/L/N ?"
"Yes I will, Sirius Black"
They burst out laughing, and hugged eachother.
"I cant wait to make you mine, Y/N" he said. "You'll be my real family"
She kissed him.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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